Americans are right to be concerned about our country's enormous debt, especially given the Congressional Budget Office's recent announcement that the health care bill will not in fact provide the deficit reductions the president promised. Republicans are committed to addressing Americans' concerns with fiscally responsible policies that will create jobs, grow the economy, and reduce our nations deficit. Learn more at
Senate Republicans emphasize the need for a thorough, timely, fair, and complete review of Elena Kagans record as the Senate considers her nomination to the Supreme Court. Republicans also highlighted the need for a thorough investigation of the Gulf oil spill to discover where failures occurred and ensure that such an accident does not happen again.
In a press conference on Capitol Hill, Senate Republicans offered an amendment to the financial regulation bill that would create a consumer protection agency to protect Americans from Wall Street abuses while not burdening small businesses and community banks with new regulations.
As businesses express their concerns about the Democrats' financial regulation bill, Republicans are working to make sure that any legislation passed by the Senate protects Main Street and ensures that small banks and small businesses will not be hit with burdensome new regulations.
At a press conference in the US Capitol, Senate Republicans emphasize that financial reform legislation must protect small businesses, eliminate bailouts, and end the notion of "too big to fail." Democrats are asking Americans to trust them, just as they asked Americans to trust them with the new health care law which, as the nonpartisan Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services reported this week, will increase health care costs. Republicans are determined to avoid a repeat of the health care bill and are demanding proof that the law will not harm Main Street businesses.
As the bloated health care bill and the bailout provisions in the financial regulation legislation demonstrate, Democrats are failing to address the American people's concerns about jobs and the economy. Meanwhile, Republicans are pushing for legislation that addresses Americans priorities: creating jobs, growing the economy, and keeping terrorists off American soil.
Republican senators urge Senate Democrats not to yield to pressure from those who are pushing partisan financial reform legislation. Instead, Senate Democrats should work with Republicans to pass a bipartisan bill that will protect taxpayers, eliminate bailouts, and end the notion of too big to fail.