During debate on the Senate floor, Republican senators point out that the Democrats health care legislation would ration patients access to health care and put government in control of medical decisions that should be made by patients and their doctors.
During the health care debate on the Senate floor, Republicans criticize the tax hikes in the health care bill, noting that they will raise health care costs for patients and doctors and damage small businesses at a time when our country is facing 10 percent unemployment.
In a speech on the Senate floor, Senator Mike Johanns (R-Neb.) emphasizes that every pro-life senator should cast a no vote on allowing the Senate to consider the Democrats health care reform bill, which would require at least one government-sponsored insurance plan to cover abortion and would allow taxpayer dollars to subsidize such plans. All it would take, Senator Johanns points out, to defeat public funding of abortion is for one pro-life Senate Democrat to stand up for his or her principles and vote no on considering the bill.
At a press conference in the US Capitol, Republican senators emphasize Americans opposition to Democrats health care reform proposals, which would raise taxes, increase premiums, cut Medicare, and drive up the deficit.