On Capitol Hill, Senate Republicans said they want health care reform that addresses rising costs. They want to take the time to find a solution that covers the uninsured but doesn't saddle future generations with trillions of dollars of debt.
On Capitol Hill, Senate Republicans emphasized the need for health care reform that ensures all Americans have access to an affordable health care plan and prevents a Washington takeover of our health care system.
The Senate Republican Conference held a hearing on Monday, June 22, to investigate the effect the Democrats proposed cap-and-trade national energy tax will have on job growth and the ways in which building 100 new nuclear plants over the next 20 years could help our economy, keep America competitive, and protect our environment. Senator Bob Bennett, R-Utah, chaired the hearing. Participants included Ben Lieberman of the Heritage Foundations Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies; Ted Rockwell of the American Nuclear Society; Christopher Guith of the US Chamber of Commerce's Institute for 21st Century Energy; and Kevin Book of ClearView Energy Partners.
On Capitol Hill, Senate Republicans emphasize their opposition to health care reforms that would force individuals into a government-run plan. Senate Republicans want to take the time to develop health care reforms that empower patients and doctors, not Washington bureaucrats.
The Senate Republican Conference held a hearing today on June 8 to discuss the importance of producing more American energy and using less. The hearing focused on the benefits of nuclear power and the need to aim for a goal of building 100 new nuclear plants in the United States over the next 20 years. The hearing was chaired by Senators John McCain and Lamar Alexander. Participants included Scott Campbell, President, American Council on Global Nuclear Competitiveness; Michael Kurzeja, President, North American Young Generation in Nuclear; David Blee, Executive Director, US Transport Council; and Alex Flint, Senior Vice President, Nuclear Energy Institute.
The Senate Republican Conference held a hearing today on June 8 to discuss the importance of producing more American energy and using less. The hearing focused on the benefits of nuclear power and the need to aim for a goal of building 100 new nuclear plants in the United States over the next 20 years. The hearing was chaired by Senators John McCain and Lamar Alexander. Participants included •Scott Campbell, President, American Council on Global Nuclear Competitiveness; Michael Kurzeja, President, North American Young Generation in Nuclear; David Blee, Executive Director, US Transport Council; and Alex Flint, Senior Vice President, Nuclear Energy Institute.
The Senate Republican Conference held a hearing today on June 8 to discuss the importance of producing more American energy and using less. The hearing focused on the benefits of nuclear power and the need to aim for a goal of building 100 new nuclear plants in the United States over the next 20 years. The hearing was chaired by Senators John McCain and Lamar Alexander. Participants included •Scott Campbell, President, American Council on Global Nuclear Competitiveness; Michael Kurzeja, President, North American Young Generation in Nuclear; David Blee, Executive Director, US Transport Council; and Alex Flint, Senior Vice President, Nuclear Energy Institute.
The Senate Republican Conference held a hearing today on June 8 to discuss the importance of producing more American energy and using less. The hearing focused on the benefits of nuclear power and the need to aim for a goal of building 100 new nuclear plants in the United States over the next 20 years. The hearing was chaired by Senators John McCain and Lamar Alexander. Participants included •Scott Campbell, President, American Council on Global Nuclear Competitiveness; Michael Kurzeja, President, North American Young Generation in Nuclear; David Blee, Executive Director, US Transport Council; and Alex Flint, Senior Vice President, Nuclear Energy Institute.