Senate Republicans and House Republicans are working together to pass tax relief that will help Americans keep more of their hard-earned money.
Senate Republicans, House Republicans, and the White House are committed to ensuring that our military has the resources it needs to combat threats to America.
Myth: Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) claims that "one group of economists after another have looked at this bill and it won't do a darned thing." Fact: 137 economists said, "Economic growth will accelerate" under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Myth: In a deleted tweet, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) claims that "On average, middle class families earning less than $86,000 would see a tax increase …" Fact: The Washington Post gave her "Four Pinocchios" and said, "Actually, it's the opposite. Most families in that income range would get a tax cut." Myth: Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) claims that tax reform is "kicking 13 million people off health insurance to give tax cuts to the wealthy." Fact: The Washington Post says, "inaccurate." This bill only repeals the individual mandate's penalty, which means Americans will no longer be forced to buy insurance they don't want or can't afford.
"America has always been a place of opportunity. It's been a place where people come to build a better life." - Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.)
Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.) brought some "Big Sky Country" Christmas cheer to this year's lighting of the U.S. Capitol Christmas tree.
I just want to ask all the legislative parties, both the House and the Senate, to step forward and pass this legislation. It will have a significant impact on small businesses all across the country." - Misty DeAnn Mayes, owner of Management Solutions, LLC
"I'm Amy McIntrye. I'm the CEO of WMV Productions in Nashville, Tennessee. We're a video production company, mostly focused on product videos for sales and marketing purposes. We are a service-based LLC partnership, and one of our big frustrations is at the end of the year our on-paper profit is then passed down as a tax liability for the partners, but we don't actually see that cash in order to pay taxes on it. We use that money for next week's payroll or next month's expenses for overhead, you know, all of the capital improvements that we want to make, but we have to take that tax hit on it, and it's so frustrating. So it really makes it hard to strategize your cash flow, reinvest in the company, save up to hire somebody, when you are being taxed at the same time. So tax reform, simplification, all those things would be a great benefit for small business." - Amy McIntyre, President and CEO of WMV Productions
"My name is Alan Keck. I'm a small business owner in Somerset, Kentucky. My family owns an industrial recycling company, Somerset Recycling, my father started in 1984, and I'm also the founder of Keck Sports Management, a professional baseball agency. Tax reform impacts small business in many levels. As a business owner in rural Kentucky, one of the focuses is the amount of time that it takes to be compliant with the current burdensome tax code. And so while I'm excited about reduced rates, I'm equally excited, if not more excited, about the reduced time burden. Instead of dealing with compliance issues with the tax code that's antiquated, I can spend time with my family. I can spend time with my church, or doing things that we want to do. Or better yet we can innovate, we can create, and we can create more jobs." - Alan Keck a small business owner and entrepreneur in rural Kentucky
"My name is Chico Evans, store manager at the local Home Depot in Washington, D.C. I'm here today to support our local economy as we fight to get this thing passed as well as our associates and our pro-contractors who would definitely benefit from the new tax reform bill. As I think about the associates at my particular store and the small contractors that shop in my store, which is a significant part of our business, and how this bill is going to impact them and make their jobs a lot easier, in the sense of being able to add additional equipment, be able to grow their business, do all of these other different things that I think is critical to our economy, and as well as for America. I'm proud to be here. Thanks for the opportunity, and I look forward for this getting passed." - Chico Evans, manager of a Washington D.C. Home Depot
Senate Republicans, Small Business Administration (SBA) Administrator Linda McMahon, and the Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council President & CEO Karen Kerrigan host small business owners and American workers to highlight the importance of tax reform.