This is the slowest Cabinet confirmation process since George Washington's. It's time for Senate Democrats to abandon their historic obstruction of President Trump's Cabinet and govern responsibly.
The Senate Republican leadership team briefs the press on the historic Democrat obstruction of President Donald Trump's Cabinet nominees and gives an update on the nomination of Judge Gorsuch.
It's agreed: Judge Gorsuch is ready to be our next Supreme Court justice. #SCOTUS #WeNeedNine
U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding the president's nominee for the Supreme Court, Judge Neil Gorsuch: "Last evening, I had the pleasure of being at the White House when President Trump introduced his nominee to be associate justice of the Supreme Court, Judge Neil Gorsuch, who happens to be serving on the tenth circuit court of appeals. And it shouldn't surprise anybody that President Trump delivered on a promise made during the campaign when he listed 21 people that he would choose from. Everybody knew ahead of time what sort of a judge he would put on for this vacancy or any future vacancy. Judge Gorsuch's decade of service on the Tenth Circuit has earned him a reputation as a brilliant, principled, and mainstream judge, just exactly the sort of mainstream that Sen. Schumer must have been thinking about when he said he wants a mainstream judge. It's already been widely reported that he was unanimously confirmed by a voice vote to the Tenth Circuit in 2006. There are still 31 Senators in this body who voted for the judge at that particular time. 11 of them are Democrats, and one of them is Senator Schumer. Judge Gorsuch was, of course, supported by both of his home state senators for the Tenth Circuit." - Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley
"Last night President Trump announced an outstanding nominee for the Supreme Court, Judge Neil Gorsuch of Colorado. While Judge Gorsuch has a significant legacy to live up to as the nominee for the seat left vacant by the loss of Justice Scalia, I'm confident his impressive background and long record of service will prepare him well for the task ahead. "Like Justice Scalia, Judge Gorsuch understands the constitutional limits of his authority. He understands that a judge's duty is to apply the law even-handedly, without bias toward one party or another. He understands that his role as a judge is to interpret the law, not impose his own viewpoint or political leanings. He's also been recognized from people on both sides of the aisle as a consistent, principled, and fair jurist. "Judge Gorsuch has a stellar reputation and a resume to match, with degrees from Harvard and Columbia, a PhD in Legal Philosophy from Oxford, and just about every honor, award, and scholarship you can possibly imagine.
The Senate Republican leadership team briefs the press on President Trump's Cabinet nominees and the upcoming Supreme Court justice nomination.