Senate Republicans called for a vote yesterday on the president's "new" stimulus bill, which he has been urging Congress to take up. When Democrats objected to the vote, the reason for the Senate's delay in taking up the bill became clear: even members of the president's own party think his second stimulus bill won't work. Senate Republicans continue to push for measures that will actually spur job creation: reducing the deficit, eliminating burdensome regulations, and lowering taxes on job creators.
When the president and Democrats forced their budget-busting health care legislation through Congress over the American people's objections, the president promised, among other things, that Americans wouldn't see their premiums rise. Now a new study from the Kaiser Family Foundation confirms that was just one more piece of false information. In fact, the health care law is already contributing to a rise in premiums - and it hasn't even been fully implemented yet. It's high time for Congress to repeal the Democrats' broken health care law and replace it with reforms that will actually lower costs.
The president's "new" jobs plan is so fundamentally flawed that members of the president's own party are publicly criticizing his bill. It's time for the president to stop recycling failed proposals from his spectacularly unsuccessful stimulus and work with Republicans to enact legislation that will actually spur job creation.
In the Weekly Republican Address, Maine Sen. Susan Collins discusses the burdens excessive regulations place on businesses and how they hurt job creation.

Sen. Collins says, "Last month, our nation produced no net new jobs. More than 14 million Americans could not find work. I've asked employers what would it take to help them add more jobs. No matter the size of their business or the size of their workforce, they tell me that Washington must stop imposing crushing new regulations.... Over-regulation is hurting our economy; unfortunately, the problem is only growing worse. Right now, federal agencies are at work on more than 4,200 new rules, 845 of which affects small businesses, the engine of job creation. More than 100 have an economic impact of more than $100 million each. No business owner I know questions the legitimate role of limited government in protecting our health and safety. Too often, however, our small businesses are buried under a mountain of paperwork."

She continues, "Business owners are reluctant to create jobs today if they're going to need to pay more tomorrow to comply with onerous new regulations. That's why employers say that uncertainty generated by Washington is a big wet blanket on our economy. We Republicans say, enough is enough. America needs a 'time out' from the regulations that discourage job creation and hurt our economy."

Sen. Collins points out, "Republicans have many good ideas about how to tame the regulatory behemoth. We want to prevent agencies from imposing new regulations without first thoroughly considering their costs and benefits.
In addition, many of us have called for a one-year moratorium on certain costly new rules. If a rule would have an adverse impact on jobs, the economy, or America's international competitiveness, it should not go into effect.

"That EPA rule on boilers is a good example of why we need a regulatory time out. If it went into effect as written, a recent study estimates that this rule, along with other pending regulations, could cause 36 pulp and paper mills across the country to close. That would put more than 20,000 Americans out of work -- 18 percent of that industry's workforce. And that is just for starters. Once these mills close, their suppliers would also be forced to lay off workers. Estimates are that nearly 90,000 Americans would lose their jobs."

She concludes, "American businesses need pro-growth policies that will end the uncertainty and kick-start hiring and investment. American workers need policies that will get them off the sidelines and back on the job. The American economy needs a time out from excessive and costly regulations. In sports, a 'time out' gives athletes a chance to catch their breaths and make better decisions. American workers and businesses are the athletes in a global competition that we must win. We need a time out from excessive regulations so that America can get back to work."

Americans want results from Washington, not more of the same failed policies (like the president's first stimulus bill) that have so far failed to revive our struggling economy. Incredibly, however, President Obama's "new" jobs and deficit plan is just more of the same. Senate Republicans are committed to getting our economy going again by eliminating job-killing regulations and making it easier and cheaper to create private-sector jobs.

President Obama's second stimulus bill should have been an opportunity to put forward a plan that would actually revive our sagging economy. Instead, the president chose to play politics by offering a plan that was designed to score political points. Republicans believe it is time to abandon the failed policies of the president's first stimulus bill and focus on real solutions that will make it easier and cheaper to create private-sector jobs.