During debate on the Senate floor, Republican senators emphasize that Democrats' health care bill which would cut Medicare, increase health insurance premiums, and drive up the deficit is not health care reform.
Business leaders join Republican senators to emphasize that taxes in Democrats' health care reform bill would seriously damage small businesses, who are responsible for a majority of the job creation in this country.
Back in October of 2004, Senator Byrd led a mini-revolt on the Senate floor during a rare Sunday session. Today we're watching Democrats attempt to pass a $2.5 trillion health care bill that will raise taxes, increase premiums and cut Medicare. The Senate's President Pro Tem's remarks are still relevant five years later.
Senate Republicans emphasized the need to restore the Medicare benefits millions of seniors will lose due to the massive Medicare cuts -- including cuts to home health care benefits -- in Democrats' health care legislation. Instead of taking half a trillion dollars from Medicare to fund a new program, Republicans want to focus on strengthening Medicare so seniors who have spent their lives paying into the program get the care they deserve.
Senate Republicans discussed the impact the almost half trillion dollars in Medicare cuts contained in the Democrats' health care bill will have on the quality of care currently enjoyed by the approximately 40 million American seniors using the program, particularly the 11 million using Medicare Advantage.
Senate Republicans discussed the impact the almost half trillion dollar Medicare cuts contained in the Democrats' health care bill will have on the quality of care currently enjoyed by about 40 million American seniors using the program, particularly the 11 million using Medicare Advantage.
During health care debate on the Senate floor, Senate Finance Chairman Baucus (D-Mont.) admits the true cost of the Democrats' $2.5 trillion health care bill while Republicans question him about Democrats' attempts to use budget gimmicks like separating a bill to pay for adequate Medicare reimbursements to doctors the so-called doc fix from health care reform legislation.