At a press conference in the US Capitol, Senate Republicans point out that the administration's budget borrows too much. The administration's budget doubles the public debt in five years and nearly triples the public debt in 10 years. Senate Republicans want to work with Democrats to craft a responsible budget that doesn't borrow from our children.
At a press conference in the US Capitol, Senate Republicans point out that the administrations budget spends too much, taxes too much, and borrows too much. Senate Republicans want to work with Democrats to craft a budget that protects taxpayers and creates jobs.
In support of the Democrats' Employee Free Choice Act, (EFCA) labor union members turned a Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pension Committee hearing into a rally on March 10, 2009. EFCA would take away workers' rights to a secret ballot and force binding arbitration on workers and employers. Senate Republicans oppose the measure, calling it the Employee NO Choice Act, and will fight to protect workers' rights to a secret ballot and keep government from imposing contracts on workers and employers.
At a press conference in the US Capitol, three Washington, DC, students ask Democrats to continue funding the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program, which gives these students plus 1700 other low-income children a choice of where to attend school. Senators John Ensign, Jim DeMint, Jon Kyl, and Lamar Alexander praised the program for giving low-income children and their parents access to the same kind of educational opportunities enjoyed by members of Congress and their families.
At a press conference in the US Capitol, Senate Republicans call for an end to the Democrats' spending spree, which includes billions of dollars in duplicate spending, and invite congressional Democrats to join them in crafting legislation that emphasizes fiscal responsibility.
At a press conference in the US Capitol, Senate Republicans call for an end to the spending spree of trillions of dollars in taxpayer money and invite congressional Democrats to join them in crafting legislation that emphasizes fiscal responsibility.
At a press conference in the US Capitol, Senate Republicans emphasize the need for stimulus legislation that focuses on fixing housing and creating jobs instead of wasting taxpayer dollars on pork barrel spending and programs that dont create jobs now.