Sens. David Perdue (R-Ga.) and Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) host grassroots leaders to discuss the positive impact tax reform will have on American families, businesses, and the economy.

The Pardoned Turkey

Nov 22 2017

With a new lease on life "The Pardoned Turkey" follows the journey of one fateful fowl through Washington, D.C. This turkey's Thanksgiving trot through our nation's capital is one that will certainly be remembered by all, including Sens. John Thune (R-S.D.) and Tim Scott (R-S.C.).
Why is #TaxReform important to small businesses? We ask Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) "Tax cuts are going to let business women and business men keep more of their own money. ... This tax cut package is going to give small business people and individual Americans more freedom." - Sen. John Kennedy
"Tax reform for West Virginia families means more money in their own pockets, to make decisions for their families, whether it's to buy a new car, to buy new shoes for the kids. It means more decisions made at the family in West Virginia, rather than here in Washington, D.C." - Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.)
Why is tax reform important? Chairman John Thune is glad you asked. Tax reform will give us a fairer and simpler tax system, which means better jobs and bigger paychecks for hardworking Americans.
Tax relief for middle-income Americans, families, and small businesses is on the way with the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act.

A Veteran's March

Nov 10 2017

Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), a combat veteran, goes on a march to the Washington Memorial with fellow veterans and staff to remember the sacrifices of our nation's veterans.