The Republican-led Senate is working to ensure America’s future by taking up legislation to address the challenges facing our nation. Legislation the Senate has taken up in 2015 includes bipartisan, common-sense education reform that returns power to states, local school boards, and parents, and the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act, which gives Congress and the American people a voice on the nuclear deal with Iran.
Senate Republicans work to hold the administration accountable as talks with Iran over its nuclear program continue.
Senate Republicans continue to lead the charge to secure the vital resources that our troops, veterans, wounded warriors, and service members need. Bipartisan passage of the National Defense Authorization Act is being threatened with a veto from the president and support for the defense appropriations it authorizes were filibustered by Senate Democrats.
Democrats are playing politics with our troops' well-being. Meanwhile, as our national defense hangs in limbo, Democrats continue to push the broken promises of Obamacare. Senate Republicans remain committed to supporting our troops and replacing the president’s broken health care law with real solutions.
In the Weekly Republican Address, Senator Deb Fischer of Nebraska talks about the dangerous global challenges facing the United States and the importance of passing a strong National Defense Authorization Act. The Senate Armed Services Committee overwhelmingly approved the bipartisan defense bill earlier this month and it will soon be under consideration by the full United States Senate. “From Iran’s nuclear ambitions to China’s aggressive territorial expansion, Russia’s belligerence as a regional bully, and the growing threat of the Islamic State, we have no shortage of challenges,” says Senator Fischer, a senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. “This underscores the importance of providing for our military. A strong and capable defense deters our adversaries.”
Senate Republicans continue to lead bipartisan efforts to make sure that Iran is held accountable and that American products face fewer barriers around the globe.
The Senate, under the new Republican majority, continues to push forward on bipartisan efforts to ensure Americans' voices are heard on important issues like Iran.