The Senate missed an opportunity to make real progress in reducing the nation's unsustainable debt, according to U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., who expressed disappointment that members will not be able to work on, amend, or vote on a budget in the Senate Budget Committee today. The budget markup was suspended due to pressure from the majority leader and his caucus.

U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today spoke on Fox News Business about the 10 year anniversary of the Senate vote that blocked the opening of ANWR. The excuse cited by most was that it would take 10 years to get the oil to market.

U.S. Senator John Thune speaks at a press conference on the Senate Budget Committee Chairman's decision to essentially cancel a planned budget committee markup and instead only allow opening statements with no amendments and no votes. Thune likened the process to a dog and pony show--without the dog and pony.

Ten years ago, Senate Democrats blocked energy production in a small portion of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). At the time, they claimed that ANWR should be off limits because the oil would take 10 years to reach the market. Ten years later, ANWR remains closed, gas prices have skyrocketed, and Democrats continue to block additional energy production.
The American people are concerned about jobs and the economy, our nation's soaring debt, and gas prices which have doubled since President Obama took office. But instead of working with Republicans to address these problems and put in place real reforms, Democrats are spending their time on political gimmicks like the Buffett Tax, which would discourage job growth while doing almost nothing to reduce the deficit. It's time for Democrats to stop playing politics and start focusing on Americans' priorities.

April 16, 2012 - Senator Corker speaks on the Senate floor about the Buffett Tax. With consensus building in both parties toward pro-growth tax reform that would eliminate loopholes and lower rates for all Americans, Senator Corker today opposed the so-called Buffett Tax, saying it is "not intended to deal with deficits" and is "intended to divide." He encouraged all members on both sides of the aisle "who have spoken earnestly and sincerely about pro-growth tax reform and entitlement reform to not follow this folly of division" and "do something that is great for our country."