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Tom Reed
Tom Reed represents New York's 23rd Congressional District
Tom Reed Sep 20
With an estimated endowment of more than $45 billion, is there any reason for Harvard students to be forced to take out student loans to cover the cost of attendance?
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Tom Reed Sep 20
America is back on track.
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Tom Reed Sep 19
Today, we toured the devastating damage in Lodi. We have submitted a letter to the President requesting a Major Disaster Declaration and are awaiting approval. Our thoughts and prayers continue to go out to those who have been severely impacted by the recent storms.
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Tom Reed retweeted
Home Depot GR Sep 18
After checking out great deals on our , chatted with our associates about how our growing online business = the need for more reliable payment security for our customers. Thanks for dropping in Congressman!
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Tom Reed Sep 18
Joined for their celebration to discuss the Problem Solvers Caucus proposal. Together, we are working to change Washington and promote a culture of trust between Republicans and Democrats for the people back home.
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Tom Reed Sep 17
According to the , median household income has reached an all-time high of over $61,000. The middle class is growing richer thanks to tax cuts and a booming economy.
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Tom Reed Sep 17
We stopped by The Salvation Army Anew Center in Jamestown to discuss the Violence Against Women Act and the programs that help victims of domestic and dating violence. We need to change the status quo, believe victims and hold abusers accountable.
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Tom Reed Sep 15
I’m Tom. I go to work in Washington, D.C. to help people. Corning, NY is my home.
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Tom Reed retweeted
Alstom USA Sep 13
Alstom & Merrill completed the 1st power car bodyshell for 's future high-speed trainsets. It is made 100% from US steel and will soon make its way to our rolling stock center of excellence in , NY
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Tom Reed retweeted
Ways and Means Sep 13
Watch do the math on ⬇️
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Tom Reed Sep 12
understands Congress is broken. For far too long, good, bipartisan ideas to help people haven't received consideration on the House floor due to the archaic rules we are forced to abide by. Read more:
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Tom Reed Sep 11
Our thoughts and prayers continue to go out to the families and friends who lost loved ones 17 years ago today. We stand with you and may we never forget.
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Tom Reed retweeted
Duke Govt Relations Sep 10
The Problem Solvers Caucus will vote as a 48-member bloc when it reaches consensus on an issue. Thanks to for hosting a great discussion with and on in Congress.
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Tom Reed Sep 10
Did you know that nearly everyone who wants a job is able to get one and wages are rising due to tax cuts? Read more here:
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Tom Reed retweeted
I Make America Sep 7
Tune into 's Twitter feed next Friday at 8 a.m. ET to watch elected officials tackle the top issues on voters' minds in the 2018 election.
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Tom Reed Sep 7
Promises made and promises kept. Higher wages for American families. The largest 12-month wage increase in almost 10 years. The economy is back on track and we are just getting started.
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Tom Reed Sep 6
America is back on track.
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Tom Reed retweeted
HospiceActionNetwork Sep 6
“Hospice is an issue that strikes closes to my heart. I went from wanting to fight my mother’s cancer to becoming an advocate for hospice.” is a volunteer for the Washington Home & Community Hospices. Read about his experience here:
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Tom Reed Sep 6
Blue-collar workers are upbeat, proud of their jobs, and confident that the American future will bring their children even greater opportunities. Amazing what 4.2% growth in GDP will do to make people feel better about their lives, isn’t it?
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Tom Reed Sep 6
Between votes, I sometimes search out families on tours of the Capitol and bring them out to the Speaker's balcony - where they otherwise wouldn't be able to go. Always eager to share the best view in DC with people.
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