1964 Civil Rights Act

Civil Rights Act of 1964/tiles/non-collection/o/oh_evnt_cr_cra1964_nara.xml House Judiciary Committee Record, Records of the U.S. House of Representatives, Center for Legislative Archives, National Archives and Records Administration The Civil Rights Act of 1964
“So from a strategic point of view, while Kennedy was still President and Bobby Kennedy was the strategist in charge, the notion was to get it heard in the House in hearings that were under way. Get it acted on in the House by committee. Get it to the floor of the House as soon as you could. And get it passed. And then deal with the filibuster in the Senate.”
—Benjamin Zelenko, May 29, 2014
   Counsel, House Committee on the Judiciary


Emanuel Celler of New York

House Judiciary Committee counsel Benjamin Zelenko remembers his mentor, Emanuel Celler of New York.

Benjamin Zelenko, Counsel, House Committee on the Judiciary
Interview recorded August 20, 2014 Deed of Gift

William McCulloch of Ohio

Benjamin Zelenko describes Judiciary Committee Ranking Member William McCulloch of Ohio.

Benjamin Zelenko, Counsel, House Committee on the Judiciary
Interview recorded August 20, 2014 Deed of Gift

RFK Testifies

A memory of the first testimony of Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy on the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Benjamin Zelenko, Counsel, House Committee on the Judiciary
Interview recorded August 20, 2014 Deed of Gift

Roland Libonati of Illinois

Judiciary counsel Benjamin Zelenko remembers a moment that almost killed the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Benjamin Zelenko, Counsel, House Committee on the Judiciary
Interview recorded August 20, 2014 Deed of Gift

The Southern General

Benjamin Zelenko remembers the tactics of the Southern Democrats, led by Rules Committee Chairman Howard Smith of Virginia.

Benjamin Zelenko, Counsel, House Committee on the Judiciary
Interview recorded August 20, 2014 Deed of Gift

"The Managers Have No Objection"

Benjamin Zelenko remembers a personal moment during the floor debate on the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Benjamin Zelenko, Counsel, House Committee on the Judiciary
Interview recorded August 20, 2014 Deed of Gift

The Importance of Civil Rights Legislation

Why the civil rights legislation of the 1960s saved America.

The Honorable John Dingell, Jr., U.S. Representative of Michigan and Son of Representative John Dingell, Sr., of Michigan
Interview recorded November 14, 2012 Deed of Gift

The Civil Rights Act and the 1964 Election

Representative Dingell discusses how his vote for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 played out in the 1964 primary election against Representative John Lesinski and subsequently the general election.

The Honorable John Dingell, Jr., U.S. Representative of Michigan and Son of Representative John Dingell, Sr., of Michigan
Interview recorded November 14, 2012 Deed of Gift

The Most Important Vote

On his most important vote as a Congressman.

The Honorable John Dingell, Jr., U.S. Representative of Michigan and Son of Representative John Dingell, Sr., of Michigan
Interview recorded November 14, 2012 Deed of Gift


Voting My Conscience

Representative Paul Findley of Illinois talks about the reaction in his district to his vote in favor of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

The Honorable Paul Findley, U.S. Representative of Illinois
Interview recorded January 12, 2015 Deed of Gift
Transcript (PDF)

A Letter to Republicans

Representative Paul Findley of Illinois recounts a letter he wrote to fellow Republicans during the debate on the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

The Honorable Paul Findley, U.S. Representative of Illinois
Interview recorded January 12, 2015 Deed of Gift
Transcript (PDF)

Advice from Representative Bill McCulloch

Representative Paul Findley of Illinois remembers advice from colleague Representative Bill McCulloch of Ohio.

The Honorable Paul Findley, U.S. Representative of Illinois
Interview recorded January 12, 2015 Deed of Gift
Transcript (PDF)

Chairman Emanuel Celler's Strategy

Robert Kimball describes Judiciary Chairman Emanuel Celler of New York's strategy for passing the Civil Rights Act in committee.

Robert Kimball, Legislative Assistant, Representative John V. Lindsay of New York
Interview recorded December 4, 2014 Deed of Gift
Transcript (PDF)

Consequences of Support

Robert Kimball recounts the political price of the Civil Rights Act for Republican Leader Charles Halleck of Indiana.

Robert Kimball, Legislative Assistant, Representative John V. Lindsay of New York
Interview recorded December 12, 2014 Deed of Gift
Transcript (PDF)

The Harris Amendment Debate

Robert Kimball recounts a dramatic moment during the floor debate on the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Robert Kimball, Legislative Assistant, Representative John V. Lindsay of New York
Interview recorded December 12, 2014 Deed of Gift
Transcript (PDF)

Representative Bill McCulloch: Part One

Robert Kimball remembers Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Bill McCulloch of Ohio.

Robert Kimball, Legislative Assistant, Representative John V. Lindsay of New York
Interview recorded December 4, 2014 Deed of Gift
Transcript (PDF)

Representative Bill McCulloch: Part Two

Robert Kimball remembers Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Bill McCulloch of Ohio.

Robert Kimball, Legislative Assistant, Representative John V. Lindsay of New York
Interview recorded December 4, 2014 Deed of Gift
Transcript (PDF)

Memories of Representative Howard Smith

Robert Kimball describes the chairman of the House Rules Committee, Representative Howard W. Smith of Virginia.

Robert Kimball, Legislative Assistant, Representative John V. Lindsay of New York
Interview recorded December 12, 2014 Deed of Gift
Transcript (PDF)

The House Moves First

Benjamin Zelenko explains why the House moved before the Senate on the civil rights bill.

Benjamin Zelenko, Counsel, House Committee on the Judiciary
Interview recorded May 29, 2014 Deed of Gift
Transcript (PDF)

Subcommittee No. 5

Benjamin Zelenko describes the jurisdiction and composition of Subcommittee No. 5.

Benjamin Zelenko, Counsel, House Committee on the Judiciary
Interview recorded May 29, 2014 Deed of Gift
Transcript (PDF)

The Importance of Committee Hearings

Benjamin Zelenko explains the rationale behind holding committee hearings.

Benjamin Zelenko, Counsel, House Committee on the Judiciary
Interview recorded May 29, 2014 Deed of Gift
Transcript (PDF)

The Balancing Act

Benjamin Zelenko recounts the delicate position of trying to move on the civil rights bill while keeping key players happy.

Benjamin Zelenko, Counsel, House Committee on the Judiciary
Interview recorded May 29, 2014 Deed of Gift
Transcript (PDF)