
South African President Nelson Mandela Addresses Congress/tiles/non-collection/o/oh_cr_apartheid_mandela_chamber.xml Image courtesy of the House Photography Office South African President Nelson Mandela addresses a Joint Meeting of Congress on October 6, 1994
“This was 15 years of our lives, because we had been pushing this since late ’71, early ’72, into 1986. I remember that night, I got home, it was late. I had literally put on my running shoes, and I went out of the house, and I started to run. And I ran, and ran, and ran, until I couldn’t run anymore. And I just sat down on the curb, and I just cried. That was an incredible moment. And to be a person that grew up in the hood, modest family but caring people, to have found myself in a place where I could be part of history, to help change the world in some way, was an overwhelming feeling. And I don’t know if there are many things that could overshadow that in my life.”                                                                                     –The Honorable Ronald V. Dellums
                                                                      June 19, 2012                                                                                                                   U.S. Representative of California


Anti-Apartheid Movement in the House

Representative Dellums recalls the early days of the anti-apartheid movement in the House.

The Honorable Ronald V. Dellums, U.S. Representative of California
Interview recorded June 19, 2012 Deed of Gift

Getting Arrested for the Cause

Representative Dellums remembers the protests by House Members outside the South African Embassy in Washington, D.C.

The Honorable Ronald V. Dellums, U.S. Representative of California
Interview recorded June 19, 2012 Deed of Gift

The Dellums Amendment: Part One

Representative Dellums provides background on the passage of his amendment calling for U.S. economic sanctions against South Africa.

The Honorable Ronald V. Dellums, U.S. Representative of California
Interview recorded June 19, 2012 Deed of Gift

The Dellums Amendment: Part Two

Representative Dellums reflects on the possible impact of the passage of his measure in 1986 for U.S. economic sanctions against South Africa.

The Honorable Ronald V. Dellums, U.S. Representative of California
Interview recorded June 19, 2012 Deed of Gift

The Dellums Amendment: Part Three

Representative Dellums describes the “highest point” in his political life.

The Honorable Ronald V. Dellums, U.S. Representative of California
Interview recorded June 19, 2012 Deed of Gift

Meeting Nelson Mandela

Representative Dellums shares his memories of his first meeting Nelson Mandela of South Africa.

The Honorable Ronald V. Dellums, U.S. Representative of California
Interview recorded June 19, 2012 Deed of Gift