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FILLMORE, Millard, a Representative from New York, Vice President and 13th President of the United States; born in Locke Township (now Summerhill), Cayuga County, N.Y., January 7, 1800; reared on a farm; largely self-taught; apprenticed to a clothier; taught school in Buffalo while studying law; admitted to the bar in 1823 and commenced practice in East Aurora, N.Y.; moved to Buffalo, N.Y., in 1830; member, State assembly 1829-1831; elected as a Whig to the Twenty-third Congress (March 4, 1833-March 3, 1835); elected to the Twenty-fifth, Twenty-sixth, and Twenty-seventh Congresses (March 4, 1837-March 3, 1843); chair, Committee on Ways and Means (Twenty-seventh Congress); declined to be a candidate for renomination in 1842; unsuccessful Whig candidate for Governor in 1844; State comptroller 1847-1849; elected Vice President of the United States on the Whig ticket headed by Zachary Taylor in 1848, and was inaugurated March 4, 1849; became President upon the death of President Taylor and served from July 10, 1850, to March 3, 1853; unsuccessful candidate for the Whig nomination for president in 1852; unsuccessful candidate for president on the National American ticket in 1856; commanded a corps of home guards during the Civil War; traveled extensively; died in Buffalo, N.Y., March 8, 1874; interment in Forest Lawn Cemetery.

View Record in the Biographical Directory of the U.S. Congress

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External Research Collections

Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library
Old State Capitol

Springfield, IL
Papers: 1851, 1 item. A document of recognition of J. de Fremery as foreign consul of Mecklenberg-Schwerin for San Francisco, California, signed by Millard Fillmore and by Daniel Webster, U.S. Secretary of State.
Papers: 1855, 1 item. A letter from Millard Fillmore to Mrs. Babcock, May 16, 1855. In the letter, Millard Fillmore thanks Mrs. Babcock her for the letter by Powers and her recent kindness.
Papers: 1853, 1 item. A letter from Millard Fillmore to Messrs. Corcoran and Riggs, June 9, 1853. In the letter, Millard Fillmore sends a power of attorney to sell stock in Albany and Schenectady Railroad.
Papers: 1844, 1 item. A letter of introduction written by Millard Fillmore for John T. Stuart, June 15, 1844, introducing Dr. Charles H. Ray.

Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society Archives
Millard Fillmore Papers

Buffalo, NY
Papers: 1809-1944, 62 linear feet. Includes incoming correspondence from 44 presidential letter books plus a comprehensive collection of originals or photocopies of Millard Fillmore's letters and documents, dated 1809-1874. There is also considerable correspondence pertaining to the Whig Party and New York State politics and government. Includes indices and registers received, 1849-1953; a presscopy book, 1834-1840; letters from Millard Fillmore's bankers and lawyers, 1850-1853; a memorandum book, 1853; catalogs of Millard Fillmore's library and pamphlet collection; and Fillmore family papers and correspondence. A series level inventory, microfilm guide, and card index to letter book correspondents is available in the repository.
Papers: 1825-1854, 0.1 linear foot. Special bail in the Erie County Court of Common Pleas suits, Bazalal Wooden vs. John P. Mills, 3 June 1825, and Austin L. Wells vs. Herman B. Poter, September 12, 1826; and satisfaction of mortgage, Millard Fillmore to Benjamin Fowler, December 20, 1854.
Papers: 1839-1841, 0.1 linear foot. Letters mainly from law partners of N.K. Hall and Solomon G. Haven regarding legal matters and politics, written while Millard Fillmore was a Member of Congress. Other letters seek Millard Fillmore's influence in obtaining government appointments and in other matters.
Papers: 1842, 0.1 linear foot. A petition from the New York Members of the House of Representatives urging the Senate to reject the nomination of George W. Clinton for the office of Collector of the Port of Buffalo.
Papers: 1854, 1 item. A letter from Millard Fillmore to Julia Green Fillmore, November 26, 1854. The letter regards Thanksgiving and the nation's financial panic.
Papers: 1854-1855, 4 items. Includes railroad passes issued to former President Fillmore by the New York and Erie Railroad, the Michigan Central Railroad, the Great Western Railway, and the Buffalo, Brantford & Goderich Railway.
Papers: 1858, 1 item. A photocopy of a letter from Millard Fillmore to Thomas H. Palmer, March 30, 1858. The letter concerns Thomas H. Palmer's planned supplement to the English dictionary.
Papers: 1858-1859, 0.1 linear foot. Includes mortgage calculation and receipts.
Papers: 1873, 1 item. A letter from Millard Fillmore to Edward Jehle, December 2, 1873. In the letter, Millard Fillmore orders six quarts of Mumm champagne from Mr. Jehle, a grocer on Main Street in Buffalo, NY.

Brigham Young University

Salt Lake City, UT
Papers: 1856, 1 item. A signed holograph for when Millard Fillmore and James Donelson ran for president and vice-president in 1856.

Connecticut Historical Society

Hartford, CT
1858, 1 page. A signed letter from Millard Fillmore recommending a person to be a coachman for Mrs. Fillmore, two months after they were married.

Dartmouth College
Rauner Special Collections Library

Hanover, NH
Papers: 1851, 1 page. A letter from Millard Fillmore to Daniel Webster informing him of when he will be available to see him that day.

Duke University
Rare Book, Manuscripts, and Special Collections Library

Durham, NC
Papers: 1848-1851, 4 items. Papers of President Millard Fillmore, includes a land grant, a pardon, and correspondence with Horace Webster and Rev. Dr. John Chase Lord.

Filson Historical Society
Special Collections

Louisville, KY
Papers: 1856, 2 items. A letter from J.V. Drake, W.W. Alexander, and S.G. Alexander, dated November 21, 1856, informing Millard Fillmore that he has been elected as an honorary member of the Philomathian Literary Society of Marrowbone Seminary. Also includes Millard Fillmore's response, December 10, 1856, thanking them for the honor.

Historical Society of Washington, D.C.

Washington, DC
Papers: 1852, 1 item. A photocopy of a letter from Millard Fillmore to Rev. Smith Pyne, thanking the minister for sending him a copy of his Thanksgiving sermon.

Indiana Historical Society
Manuscripts and Archives

Indianapolis, IN
Papers: In the Fillmore Family Papers, 1835-1938, 4 folders and 1 oversize folder. The collection contains documents from Millard Fillmore and his family, mainly dealing with real estate in LaGrange County, Indiana. A collection guide is available in the library.

Millard Fillmore Home

Aurora, NY
Papers: 1825-1873, 20 items. Includes correspondence and ephemera of and relating to Millard Fillmore, as well as campaign brochures of Millard Fillmore and James Donelson, 1856. Also includes minutes of the Aurora School Board, and a tax roll, Town of Aurora, 1835.

The Morgan Library
Literary and Historical Manuscripts

New York, NY
Papers: n.d., 1 item. An autograph signature by President Fillmore, n.d.
Papers: 1852, 1 item. A letter from Millard Fillmore, authorizing the seal of the United States to be affixed to a full power authorizing Captain M.C. Perry to sign a treaty with the Emperor of Japan.
Papers: 1852, 1 item. A letter and report from President Fillmore to the Secretary of State, suggesting action by the District Attorney in a certain matter.
Papers: 1852, 1 item. A letter signed by President Fillmore, May 10, 1852. The letter authorizes a letter of introduction to the President of the Argentine Confederation for R.C. Schenck.
Papers: 1866, 1 item. A letter from President Fillmore to Lewis J. Cist, November 23, 1866, gives information about the family of General Peter B. Porter and a photograph.
Papers: 1871, 1 item. A letter from President Fillmore to General Albert J. Myer, October 28, 1871. President Fillmore thanks General Myer for a book and comments on the invention of the telegraph and weather forecasting.

New York State Library
Manuscripts and Special Collections

Albany, NY
Papers: 1844, 1 page. A letter from Millard Fillmore, to Calvin Townsend, a Whig Party leader in the state of Michigan, August 16, 1844. Millard Fillmore declines an invitation to participate in a mass rally in Michigan but urges the Michigan Whigs to support Henry Clay, as the New York Whigs have done.
Papers: 1853, 2 pages. A letter from Millard Fillmore, November 2, 1853, to J.C. Wright, New York State Comptroller. The letter concerns property of Millard Fillmore's which was sold for the taxes owed on it. Mr. Fillmore maintains that he did pay the taxes and wishes to know if his money can be refunded.

The Rosenbach Museum & Library

Philadelphia, PA
Papers: 1853, 1 item. A letter from President Fillmore to the Senate, February 11, 1853. In the letter, President Fillmore calls the Senate into session for the inauguration of President Fillmore's successor.
Papers: 1854, 1 item. A letter from Millard Fillmore, July 14, 1854, to Thomas U. Walter asking the architect in charge of the enlargement of the Capitol to see Mr. Chubb about the deposit of the funds allowed for that purpose.
Papers: 1871, 1 item. A letter from Millard Fillmore to John T. Hoffman, July 13, 1871. In the letter, Millard Fillmore congratulates Governor Hoffman for calling out the militia to protect a parade, which the Tammany authorities in New York City had tried to prevent, by Orangemen celebrating the Battle of the Boyne.

State University of New York at Buffalo
Thomas B. Lockwood Collection, Poetry/Rare Books Collection

Buffalo, NY
Papers: 1857, 1 item. A letter from Millard Fillmore to James O. Putnam, September 9, 1857.
Papers: 1864, 1 item. A letter from Millard Fillmore to Mr. Marshall, August 29, 1864.

State University of New York at Buffalo
University Archives

Buffalo, NY
Papers: 1826-1874, 116 items. Includes correspondence, mostly of a political nature, an 1874 letter of resignation as Chancellor of the University of Buffalo, and a catalog of books, memo book, and other materials. A container list is available in the repository.

State University of New York College at Oswego
Penfield Library, SUCO Special Collections

Oswego, NY
Papers: 1817-1889, 20 cubic feet. Includes family papers from Abigail Powers Fillmore, Millard Fillmore's first wife; Caroline C. Fillmore, Millard Fillmore's second wife; and Mary Abigail Fillmore, Millard Fillmore's daughter. A published guide and item list is available in the repository.

University of California
The Bancroft Library

Berkeley, CA
Papers: 1850-1853, 3 pages. Includes letters from Millard Fillmore to John J. Anderson, 1850, and to Gilbert Davis, 1853.

University of Chicago Library
Miscellaneous Manuscripts Collection

Chicago, IL
Papers: 1869, 1 item. A letter from Millard Fillmore,relating to Ebenezer F. Norton, March 23, 1869.

University of Iowa Libraries
Special Collections Department

Iowa City, IA
Papers: 1854, 1 item. A letter from Millard Fillmore to L.F. Allen, December 14, 1838. The letter concerns a rumor that Mr. Allen was to be a candidate for Comptroller of New York State.
Papers: 1854, 1 item. A letter from Millard Fillmore to J.P. Kennedy, February 26, 1854. The letter concerns arrangements for a servant for a planned trip to Cuba.

University of Michigan
Special Collections Library, Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library

Ann Arbor, MI
Papers: 1872, 1 page. A letter from Millard Fillmore to E.S. Stuart, December 5, 1872. The letter is in response to a request for Millard Fillmore's autograph, remarking about the posthumous honors bestowed on Horace Greely, which contrast with the critical abuse he endured while alive.

Wisconsin Historical Society
Archives Division

Madison, SI
Papers: 1842, 0.1 cubic foot. A letter from Congressman Fillmore to J.C. Spencer regarding Edwin G. McClary's appointment to West Point.
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Bibliography / Further Reading

Barre, W.L. The Life and Public Services of Millard Fillmore. Buffalo: W anzer, McKim and Co., 1856.

Grayson, Benson Lee. The Unknown President: The Administration of President Millard Fillmore. Washington: University Press of America, 1981.

Griffs, William E. Millard Fillmore, Constructive Statesman, Defender of the Constitution, President of the United States. Ithaca, N.Y.: Andrus and Church, 1915.

Farrell, John J., ed. Zachary Taylor 1784-1850 [and] Millard Fillmore 1800-1874: Chronology, Documents, Bibliographical Aids. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: Oceana Publications, Inc. 1971.

Fillmore, Millard. Millard Fillmore Papers. Edited by Frank H. Severance. 2 vols. Buffalo: The Buffalo Historical Society, 1907.

Hinton, Wayne K. "Millard Fillmore, Utah's Friend in the White House." Utah History Quarterly 48 (Spring 1980): 112-28.

Rayback, Robert J. Millard Fillmore: Biography of a President. Buffalo: H. Stewart, 1959.

Scarry, Robert J. Millard Fillmore. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 2001.

Schelin, Robert C. "Millard Fillmore, Anti-Mason to Know-Nothing: A Moderate in New York Politics, 1828-1856." Ph.D. diss., State University of New York at Binghamton, 1975.

------. "A Whig's Final Quest: Fillmore and the Know-Nothings." Niagara Frontier 26, No. 1 (1979): 1-11.

Snyder, Charles M. "Forgotten Fillmore Papers Examined: Sources for Reinterpretation of a Little-Known President." American Archivist 32 (January 1969): 1 1-14.

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