Durbin, Schumer

Executive Session (Feldman Nomination)

Senator Durbin: (10:19 a.m.)

  • Spoke on the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court.
    • "It doesn't sound to me like a recipe for fairness, and it certainly doesn't sound like a recipe for getting to the truth. Plow through. That was what the Republican majority leader said the Republican majority would do. I was surprised when this all started by a spokesman for President Trump, Kellyanne Conway. Not noted for her moderation made a very, I thought, moderate and thoughtful statement at the beginning of the consideration of Dr. Ford's charges. She said we are neither going to ignore or insult Dr. Ford. I thought that was a good standard. Unfortunately, since she said that, neither the president nor many Republican leaders have lived up to it."


Senator Schumer: (10:40 a.m.)

  • Spoke on the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court.
    • "But realizing they had an obligation to the country, they did so anyway. Dr. Ford came forward and shared her story voluntarily on her own initiative. She wasn't put up by a Democrat, a Republican, or anyone else. It came from her heart. The idea that these allegations were cooked up or instigated or encouraged by Democrats in Congress is patently absurd and a real insult to the members of the Judiciary Committee and the members of this chamber. It is against the spirit, if not the letter of our Senate rules. Addressing the second part of McConnell's claim, that's even worse. Democrats and Republicans are always throwing charges at each other, but the idea that this is a smear job?"