The #KavanaughConfirmation hearings are an absolute farce. If Kavanaugh joins the Supreme Court, he will erode protections for individuals with pre-existing conditions, women, workers, and the environment. I urge my colleagues in the Senate to vote NO on Kavanaugh:
For the last seven years, all we've heard from the GOP about the Affordable Care Act has been "Repeal and Replace." Now, President Trump has moved on to "Destroy and Smirk." Yesterday he took away premium support for thousands of low-income families and shortsightedly allowed plans to be sold across state lines with no regulation--something Congress banned 25 years ago. If President Trump actually has a plan to fix American healthcare, I'd love to see it. In the meantime, he seems intent upon unraveling much-needed protections for thousands of American families while ignoring the terrible damage he is inflicting upon the health insurance marketplace.
Rep. DeFazio Reacts to the Helsinki Summit
Peter DeFazio — US Representative for Oregon District 4

Brett Kavanaugh is a die-hard partisan political operative who has shown that he does not have the temperament to be a Supreme Court Justice. I'm disappointed by the Senate's confirmation today, and pledge to do all I can to protect Americans from his extremist positions.

Peter DeFazio — US Representative for Oregon District 4

While I am still reviewing the text of the new trade deal, I am extremely disappointed that the Trump administration was unable to follow through on their promise to eliminate the damaging Chapter 19 provision that existed in the original North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The preservation of Chapter 19 is a tremendous blow to American businesses and workers, particularly in the softwood lumber industry. For decades, Canada has used Chapter 19 to undermine U.S. trad...e law and challenge our anti-dumping and countervailing duties. This provision allows a foreign tribunal of private citizens to overturn U.S. trade remedies designed to level the playing field between the U.S. and the heavily-subsidized Canadian softwood lumber industry.

Despite the administration’s promises that the U.S. will be able to strongly enforce U.S. trade law under this new agreement, it remains unclear exactly how American workers and industry will be able to protect themselves against Canada’s unfair trade practices. While we still don’t have the final details of the new agreement, I am hopeful that the Trump administration will provide assurances that U.S. industries, including softwood lumber, will be protected through other parts of the agreement, as well as determining a way to ensure new provisions governing fair labor practices will be strictly enforced.

I am pleased, however, with the improvements made to cross-border trucking services between the U.S. and Mexico. I have expressed concerns about the inability to enforce U.S. safety standards for cross-border trucking since the original NAFTA was introduced by President Clinton, and am encouraged that progress is being made to rectify this long-standing issue. Mexico has no meaningful system for commercial driver’s licenses, drug testing or hours of service, and any trade deal that allows Mexico to force these trucks onto our roads is a threat to public safety. I look forward to continuing to work closely with stakeholders, as well as the administration, on the implementing legislation and new regulations.

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