Maxine Waters — US Representative for California District 43

Moment of Maxine: Congresswoman Maxine Waters joins Joy Reid to discuss false accusations by right-wing media and the #SCOTUS nomination battle. #WATCH:…/moment-of-maxine-rep-maxine-waters-…&

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Maxine Waters — US Representative for California District 43

I want to thank the U.S. Capitol Police for their efforts to investigate, charge, and arrest the perpetrator behind the doxing of U.S. Senators. My office has been in contact with Capitol Police agents for many days since a member of my staff was falsely accused of this crime. I welcome yesterday's news regarding the arrest of a person unaffiliated with my office as vindication of my office and my staff.

However, I demand an apology and full retraction of all articles that fa...lsely accused or implicated a member of my staff in the doxing of U.S. Senators. The irresponsible conduct of the right-wing pundits, websites, and blogs who spread this fraudulent claim resulted in targeted threats and cyberbullying of one of my staffers. As a result, my staffer’s home address, email, and telephone numbers were posted online, and the staffer sustained a deluge of vile and vicious phone calls and emails. The staffer was even forced to relocate due to safety concerns. I also urge the various social media sites, particularly Twitter, where this fraudulent claim was spread, to immediately remove all posts containing the personal information of my staffer and other reprehensible examples of cyberbullying against this innocent public servant that remain on their platforms.

There are several other instances where my office has informed the FBI, U.S. Capitol Police, and the Office of the General Counsel of the U.S. House of Representatives about the lies, defamation, and dirty tricks being levied on my staff and me – including an illegally forged document purporting to be from my office on congressional letterhead. I will work to ensure that any and all who are responsible for these tricks and illegal acts are identified and prosecuted.…/rep-waters-statement-capitol-pol…

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