I was just sworn into the new Congress and wanted to take a moment to say how incredibly humbled and grateful I am for this opportunity to serve you. We have big challenges ahead of us, but I know that if we work together, we can achieve anything.
It is moving to see young people refusing to give up working for change, even in the face of vicious attacks at a time when they're dealing with unimaginable grief. I stand with Emma Gonzalez and all of the #ParklandStudents working for a better and safer future. Their experiences remind me of what many Newtown families have faced these past five years: disrespectful insinuations that they're 'crisis actors' participating in a 'hoax.' My message to them, and to all of us: we will not give up. No one will belittle our experiences, and no one will silence us.
Walking out to end gun violence
Elizabeth Esty — US Representative for Connecticut District 5

One in five high school seniors reports vaping.This is incredibly alarming news, considering leading e-cigarette companies repeatedly claim that their products are not targeted towards younger users. But, Connecticut Department of Pubic Health Commissioner Dr. Raul Pino says it best: “Based on misleading claims about e-cigarettes, many teens believe they are trying a ‘safe’ product.” We must act to make sure our children know the true cost--physical and financial--of this dangerous addiction.
The number of high school students in Connecticut who vape doubled from 2015-2017.
Elizabeth Esty — US Representative for Connecticut District 5

Finally, Matthew Shepard will be properly laid to rest. His family didn’t bury his remains after he was beaten and left to die out of concern that his burial site would be desecrated. Now, 20 years later, he will finally honored and interred at Washington National Cathedral.

Today is a solemn reminder of how much more we must do to secure full rights and protections to all Americans regardless of who they are or who they love. I introduced a Resolution as part of my commitme...nt to stand with those who face bigotry, discrimination, and violence, and to ensure all LGBTQIA+ Americans live in a safe and inclusive society.

This is personal for many American families, including my own. My brother had the courage to come out in 1978, when equality was still a distant dream. Matthew Shepard’s murder is a reminder of the price of the hatred and fear that has touched too many of our LGBTQIA+ loved ones and friends.

And, although there is still much work to do in the cause of equality and strengthening all families, I am proud to join my colleagues on both sides of the aisle in building a more inclusive, more equal future.

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The 21-year-old gay University of Wyoming student was beaten, tortured and left to die 20 years ago. For years, his parents have been afraid to bury him out of concern the site would draw anti-gay protests. The National Cathedral will inter Shepard's remains in its crypt on Oct. 26.