Lamar Smithحساب موثّق


I represent the 21st District of TX in Congress and Chair the Science, Space, and Technology Committee. Join me:

انضم في أغسطس ٢٠٠٨


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    قبل ١٦ ساعة

    On Monday, Oct. 22, we will be hosting Congressman for the final part of our Congressional Series. If you are unable to attend the event, we will be streaming it via Facebook Live!

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  2. ١٧ أكتوبر

    Consumers continue to see benefits of cutting taxes, sweeping deregulation and bringing jobs back to the United States. With unemployment at its lowest rate in decades and rising wages, hardworking Americans have more money in their pockets and are optimistic about the economy.

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    Thanks & staff for your partnerships in strengthening community with the . P.S. your office view is beautiful! 🤩

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    ١٢ أكتوبر

    . has worked hard to uncover Russian attempts to influence the U.S. energy market ⬇️

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  6. ١٢ أكتوبر

    Thank you to all of the farmers in Texas-21, and across the country, who put food on our tables and clothes on our back.

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  7. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ١١ أكتوبر

    Chairman on this morning’s Soyuz launch incident:

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  8. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ٤ أكتوبر

    “It is critical that we develop the next generation of nuclear reactors here at home.” – Rep. Why signing the Nuclear Energy Innovation Capabilities Act into law matters for our clean energy future and national security.

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  9. ٣ أكتوبر

    Please be aware there will be a nationwide test of the Wireless Emergency Alert system in 30 minutes. Clink the link below for more information:

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  10. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ١ أكتوبر

    As unemployment rates continue to drop 📉 & Main Street optimism continues to rise 📈, the benefits of continue to show. Tax Reform 2.0 is the next pro-growth policy that will build on this success.

    عرض هذه السلسلة
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  11. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ١ أكتوبر

    It's the anniversary -- and what a great 60 years it has been. What have we done and where are we going? Here's a look at 60 years and counting in just 60 seconds:

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  12. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ١ أكتوبر

    As prepares to leave Congress, he planted a tree that will grow up to 180 feet tall on the Capitol grounds. The Scotch elm honors a fellow Texas Republican, George H.W. Bush.

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  13. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ٢٨ سبتمبر

    It’s official! Many thanks to , , , and !

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  14. ٢٦ سبتمبر

    It was a privilege to sponsor the Commemorative Tree Planting Ceremony celebrating George H.W. Bush’s lifetime of public service. This afternoon I was joined by Sam LeBlond, Bush’s grandson, as we planted the Scotch Elm on the Capitol grounds in his honor.

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  15. ٢٦ سبتمبر
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    ٢٤ سبتمبر

    Closing remarks brought to the delegates today by . The passed bipartisan legislation to increase US competitiveness, , commercialization & capability with a National Strategy.

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    ٢٤ سبتمبر

    . Chairman will be among the speakers at today’s quantum event organized by . The Committee recently passed H.R. 6227, the National Quantum Initiative Act, which will create a unified national quantum strategy.

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  19. ٢١ سبتمبر

    Today we honor the prisoners of war who were captured while protecting our freedom. Please join me in taking a moment to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice, our servicemen who remain missing, and their family members.

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  20. ١٩ سبتمبر

    Earlier this week, I discussed the importance of diabetes research funding as well as the need for affordable and accessible treatment with research advocates, Caroline Blanco and Deirdre Murphy of the American Diabetes Association-San Antonio chapter.

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ربّما يعاني تويتر من الحمل الزائد أو يواجه عطلًا مؤقّتًا. حاول مجدّدًا أو تفقّد حالة تويتر لمزيد من المعلومات.

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