Steve DainesПодлинная учетная запись


Married 31 years to Cindy. Parents of four. Three dogs. Serving the people of Montana in the U.S. Senate. 🇺🇸

Bozeman, MT
Дата регистрации: декабрь 2007 г.


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  1. 5 часов назад
  2. 16 часов назад

    God Bless America

  3. 21 окт.
  4. ретвитнул(а)
    20 окт.

    It was great touring the Edith Peak LWCF Project near Missoula yesterday with the and . Thanks to , trail access and elk habitat will now be permanently protected on these 1,000+ acres.

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  5. 20 окт.

    I’m glad to have supported this important project and will continue to fight to ensure permanent reauthorizarion and full funding of LWCF gets signed into law.

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  6. 20 окт.

    It was great touring the Edith Peak LWCF Project near Missoula yesterday with the and . Thanks to , trail access and elk habitat will now be permanently protected on these 1,000+ acres.

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  7. ретвитнул(а)
    19 окт.

    Great meeting with the new Superintendent Cam Sholly this morning in Gardiner, MT! We’re here for an field hearing to discuss challenges facing gateway communities of national parks!

  8. 19 окт.

    Thanks to all of the Montanans who came to the field hearing in Gardiner today. It was a great discussion! And thanks to all of the witnesses including Superintendent Cam Sholly and Marysue with .

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  9. 19 окт.

    Don’t forget to tune in to watch the Field Hearing in Gardiner, MT LIVE on Facebook now! LINK:

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  10. 19 окт.

    Great meeting with the new Superintendent Cam Sholly this morning in Gardiner, MT! We’re here for an field hearing to discuss challenges facing gateway communities of national parks!

  11. ретвитнул(а)
    18 окт.

    Getting ready to speak at the Rally in Missoula! Follow along! 🇺🇸

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  12. 18 окт.

    Thank you for coming back to Big Sky Country for a third time! Let’s do this 🇺🇸

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  13. 18 окт.

    And Montana needs a U.S. Senator and U.S. Congressman who will work WITH , not against!

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  14. 18 окт.

    Montana needs a U.S. Senator who will vote FOR Judge Kavanaugh, not against!

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  15. 18 окт.

    Montana needs a U.S. Senator and U.S. Congressman who believes in the rule of law, not mob rule!

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  16. 18 окт.

    Montana needs a U.S. Senator and U.S. Congressman who will stand with President Trump and BUILD THE WALL!

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  17. 18 окт.

    Montana needs a U.S. Senator and U.S. Congressman who will secure our borders and stop illegal drugs from destroying our communities!

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  18. 18 окт.

    Montana needs a U.S. Senator and Congressman who will fight for your right to keep and bear arms, not take it away!

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  19. 18 окт.

    Montana needs a U.S. Senator who will vote to cut taxes, not raise them!

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  20. 18 окт.

    Getting ready to speak at the Rally in Missoula! Follow along! 🇺🇸

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