Keith EllisonCompte verificat


Member of Congress from Minnesota's Fifth District. Vice Chair & Labor Liaison, . Host of We The Podcast. Subscribe here:

Minneapolis — Washington, D.C.
Unit: març de 2008
Data de naixement: 04 d’agost


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  1. fa 8 hores

    Don't be fooled. Republicans fought for years to repeal protections for preexisting conditions, and 20 Republican Attorneys General are actively suing to dismantle those protections at this very moment.

  2. 17 d’oct.

    Republicans can't hide what their agenda will be if they keep power: cut Medicare, cut Social Security, and make life even harder on working people.

  3. 17 d’oct.

    Proud to have earned a perfect score from the on their legislative scorecard today.

  4. 17 d’oct.

    Republicans in Washington have spent their last two years in power giving handouts to their ultra-wealthy donors and squeezing the poor and working families even more. What we need more than ever is to elect leaders who will work for the people.

  5. 15 d’oct.

    Voter fraud is virtually nonexistent in the United States, but Republicans have stoked the fear of it to pass restrictions designed to lower voter turnout. The path to a stronger democracy and fairer economy is to increase access to the ballot box and get more people voting.

  6. 12 d’oct.

    Programs that expand voting rights, like early voting, are working people's programs. When more people are able to vote, the ideas that work for them -- affordable health care, a higher minimum wage, labor rights -- those ideas win.

  7. 12 d’oct.

    This is the fraud of "trickle down" economics: Republicans in Congress handed the richest few and giant corporations a massive tax break, and nearly a year later most Americans haven't seen a penny of it.

  8. 10 d’oct.

    Our Secretary of Education should be working to protect students and making college more affordable -- not throwing a lifeboat to the predatory for-profit college industry that made its profits scamming students and saddling them with debt.

  9. 9 d’oct.

    This is a rigged economy in action: Republicans give corporate executives massive tax cuts, the executives keep the profits for themselves, and the share going to workers continues to drop.

  10. 8 d’oct.

    On this , I'm reflecting on the history of our Native communities, and how we all must do more to listen to and empower Indigenous voices.

  11. 6 d’oct.

    This White House is trying to undo twenty years of civil and human rights precedent in order to detain children indefinitely. Absolutely horrendous.

  12. 2 d’oct.

    Americans pay the highest prices in the world for the prescriptions they need. We need more than empty promises -- we need leaders who will stand up to the greed & abuse of pharmaceutical corporations.

  13. 30 de set.

    Trump pulled us out of the Paris Climate Agreement and has repeatedly denied the reality of climate change. His own agencies concede the truth: climate change is real, and global warming puts us on the path to catastrophe if we do not take bold action.

  14. 28 de set.

    Getting a good education shouldn't be a privilege reserved for a lucky few at the top. We must make higher ed accessible for all students.

  15. 25 de set.

    Thanks . We haven't forgotten. Just last year, Republicans in Washington tried to deny health coverage to over 30 million Americans.

  16. 24 de set.

    Regardless of what happens Thursday, Congress must act to ensure the Mueller investigation is protected. Our democracy is at stake.

  17. 23 de set.

    This is deeply troubling. Whether it's the NRA or foreign governments trying to influence our domestic public policy, we need to keep fighting for common-sense gun safety laws.

  18. 16 de set.

    Great to be with the legendary Dr. Josie Johnson and Ramsey County Commissioner Toni Carter for the opening of the new headquarters on Friday. Thanks for all you do for the community.

  19. 11 de set.

    As we mark the anniversary of 9/11, we honor and remember those who were lost, and the brave first responders who risked their lives to help others.

  20. 10 de set.

    Wishing a happy Rosh Hashanah to all who are celebrating this evening. May the new year bring you health, happiness, and peace.


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