
તમે @RepMaloney અવરોધિત કર્યું છે

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  1. 16 કલાક પહેલાં

    The hate never stops from this administration but together we will fight back and stand with our transgender neighbors and friends. This new proposed rule is disgusting and I will do all I can to prevent it.

    પૂર્વવત્ કરો
  2. 19 ઑક્ટો

    Income inequality keeps rising. From economist : Wages for the top 1% grew almost 4X faster than everyone else’s in '17. gave huge tax breaks to the top & will make it worse. Congress must work , not the fortunate few.

    પૂર્વવત્ કરો
  3. 19 ઑક્ટો

    Every phrase in this tweet is the exact opposite of the truth. The Trump strategy in 2018 is torn straight from ‘s 1984. He would have us believe that “War is Peace / Freedom is Slavery / Ignorance is Strength.”

    પૂર્વવત્ કરો
  4. 19 ઑક્ટો

    .’s continued reluctance to accept ANY facts from his apolitical, extremely skilled intelligence community shows yet again just how truth-adverse he is. A troubling trait in anyone, let alone POTUS.

    પૂર્વવત્ કરો
  5. એ પુનટ્વીટ કરી
    19 ઑક્ટો

    It’s outrageous that pharmacists can deny access to meds prescribed by doctors, and put the repro health of women like Rachel at risk, b/c of personal beliefs. Congress must pass 's ABC Act to ensure patients get their meds w/o dangerous delays.

    પૂર્વવત્ કરો
  6. 19 ઑક્ટો

    Our immigration system is broken, that is clear for anyone to see. We need to get serious about , including a long-term plan for , and create a system based in humanity and fairness.

    પૂર્વવત્ કરો
  7. 18 ઑક્ટો

    Thanks to my colleague Senator for releasing this insightful report about how deficits caused by the will affect average Americans.

    પૂર્વવત્ કરો
  8. 18 ઑક્ટો

    Politifact: "Republican proposals [for protections for people w/ pre-existing conditions] are not as air tight as Obamacare." Yet the tone-deaf GOP wants to repeal the ACA anyway & strip health insurance from as many as 82 million Americans

    પૂર્વવત્ કરો
  9. 18 ઑક્ટો

    knew freedom expression & the press was what the Arab world needed to move toward greater freedoms. No sentiment is more American than that. 's refusal to condemn his murder and stand up for these values stands in stark contrast.

    પૂર્વવત્ કરો
  10. 18 ઑક્ટો

    1 in 8 US women will be diagnosed w/ in her lifetime. But thanks to research, mortality rates have dropped significantly. Breast cancer is no longer a death sentence. But we still have work to do.

    પૂર્વવત્ કરો
  11. 18 ઑક્ટો

    Republicans claim that passing massive tax cuts won’t impact the budget, but experts agree that is false. The will cost about $2 trillion. Republicans now sharpening their knives for and .

    પૂર્વવત્ કરો
  12. એ પુનટ્વીટ કરી
    18 ઑક્ટો

    If the GOP wins Congress, we'll have a sequel to Groundhog Day. Instead of a TV weatherman discovering the meaning of life, a senator from Kentucky will take your health coverage... I would rather see the one about how Democrats are fighting .

    પૂર્વવત્ કરો
  13. 18 ઑક્ટો

    Data show that the Trump tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy drive up the debt – and the rest of us end up paying the price. See this report about the to find out more.

    પૂર્વવત્ કરો
  14. 17 ઑક્ટો

    Last yr, budget experts predicted the would explode the deficit. said tax cuts would “pay for themselves.” Guess who was right? And guess who's using the exploding deficit as a reason to cut & ? via

    પૂર્વવત્ કરો
  15. 17 ઑક્ટો

    I'm proud today & every day to by an ally of the community and to fight for protecting and gaining rights for the community in Congress. Honored to receive a 100 on ’s Congressional Scorecard for my support of .

    પૂર્વવત્ કરો
  16. 17 ઑક્ટો

    is a human right, & no American should make the choice between their health & feeding their families. That's why I'm a cosponsor of the Expanded & Improved Act. Healthcare needs to be BETTER & MORE ACCESSIBLE for ALL Americans.

    પૂર્વવત્ કરો
  17. 17 ઑક્ટો

    Trade disruptions, mass migrations, ocean acidification, loss of biodiversity, submersion of shoreline real estate... In words President Trump understands: Climate change is going be VERY STRONG & VERY BAD for the US economy, and it will happen VERY SOON.

    પૂર્વવત્ કરો
  18. 17 ઑક્ટો

    It's never been a secret that our President worships money, or that he's willing to sacrifice justice & human rights at its altar. But this, this is too much. America deserves a president who protects its people, not whoever pays him. Sickening.

    પૂર્વવત્ કરો
  19. 17 ઑક્ટો

    Thrilled to support in their successful quest for a $2.5 million Full-Service Community School grant. I wrote to on their behalf b/c hardworking educators need more resources to ensure that all children, regardless of finances, have a quality education.

    પૂર્વવત્ કરો
  20. 17 ઑક્ટો

    TY to the hosts of Tuesday's 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund workshop. The can only work if ppl have the info they need. I hope we helped some get the help they need & deserve. I've intro'd a bill to fully fund & reauthorize the VCF so no one is left out in the cold

    પૂર્વવત્ કરો

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