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Nancy Pelosi
Democratic Leader, focused on strengthening America's middle class and creating jobs; mother, grandmother, dark chocolate connoisseur.
Nancy Pelosi 3h
It’s been a year since devastated & the , yet Republicans still refuse to investigate the Trump Admin’s failed response to the storm. is fighting to make sure Americans have the answers they deserve.
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Nancy Pelosi Sep 20
Our hearts break for the victims of today’s shooting in Aberdeen, MD. The daily scourge of gun violence is tearing apart families, and yet Republicans in Congress refuse to take action to end the suffering. Enough is enough. It’s time for real action.
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Nancy Pelosi Sep 20
Replying to @NancyPelosi
Read my full statement here:
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Nancy Pelosi Sep 20
A year after devastated & the , our fellow Americans are still struggling to heal, rebuild & recover. Meanwhile, the refuses to investigate the administration’s failed response. We have a moral obligation to do better.
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Nancy Pelosi Sep 20
Replying to @NancyPelosi
Yet it’s impossible to recognize this anniversary without acknowledging Trump’s hateful ban on transgender Americans serving in the military of the nation they love. This vile policy belongs in the ash heap of history, along with .
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Nancy Pelosi Sep 20
Seven years ago, we took a firm stand against bigotry by finally ending the discriminatory “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, and in turn America took an important step towards recognizing its highest ideals of equality.
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Nancy Pelosi Sep 19
Replying to @NancyPelosi
That’s why it’s so important that Americans know about Democrats’ plans to fight . Make sure you read it today:
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Nancy Pelosi Sep 19
Replying to @NancyPelosi
Make no mistake: this is who Republicans are. They’ve had united government for nearly two years in Washington, and they’ve spent every moment looking to either enrich the wealthiest 1 percent or trying to tear health care away from millions nationwide.
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Nancy Pelosi Sep 19
Replying to @SpeakerRyan
And this isn’t just coming from the White House. is – once again – thinking wistfully about the possibility that Republicans could devastate , & in 2019.
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Nancy Pelosi Sep 19
Replying to @VP
. Pence has also promised the Trump Admin & the GOP will try to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Remember: that would lead to millions losing their health coverage & would ultimately drive up costs for everyone who is able to hang on to their insurance.
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Nancy Pelosi Sep 19
Replying to @realDonaldTrump
According to ’s top economic advisor, Larry Kudlow, the Trump Admin and Republicans in Congress have already set their sights on slashing the , & that many Americans count on to make ends meet.
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Nancy Pelosi Sep 19
THREAD: Republicans are laying out their agenda for 2019, and it’s a nightmare for working families and seniors.
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Nancy Pelosi Sep 18
.’s latest attempt to interfere with the Mueller investigation by releasing a misleading selection of sensitive & classified documents is deeply concerning. Read the letter from Democratic leaders here:
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Nancy Pelosi Sep 18
It took great courage for Dr. Christine Blasey Ford to come forward with her story. The American people are owed a thorough investigation of the grave & credible allegations against Brett Kavanaugh. RETWEET if you agree Senate Republicans must
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Nancy Pelosi Sep 18
Looking forward to joining Sen. Scott Wiener, firefighters and advocates to call on Governor Brown to sign , the strongest standards in the nation. Watch here at 1 pm PT today:
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Nancy Pelosi Sep 18
Congratulations to & the entire team! But let’s be honest – even *five * doesn’t do justice to just how fabulous you all are.
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Nancy Pelosi Sep 17
.’s selective release of Carter Page’s surveillance application & other classified/sensitive materials is a desperate, dangerous & misleading attempt to undermine Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation.
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Nancy Pelosi Sep 17
Paul & I are praying for a speedy recovery, . Few people on this Earth have your spirit & determination. Wishing you & all the best!
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Nancy Pelosi Sep 17
In honor of , it’s time for Republicans to stop blocking the Congress from performing Constitutionally-required oversight of the Trump Administration. The American people deserve answers.
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Nancy Pelosi Sep 16
Replying to @NancyPelosi
Failure to postpone this vote without due process & a thorough investigation into these serious & credible allegations would be a dereliction of Congress' duty to demand zero tolerance of sexual harassment & abuse.
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