Kathleen RiceVerifizierter Account


U.S. Representative for (Long Island). Former Nassau County DA.

Long Island, NY
Beigetreten Januar 2015


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  1. For weeks Saudi Arabia has misled the world about Jamal Khashoggi's death. There’s absolutely no way we can trust this regime to conduct a credible investigation. The U.S. must stand up for its values & unequivocally stand firm against governments that target the press.

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  2. 17. Okt.

    REMINDER: Our first-ever Substance Abuse Prevention Day is coming up! Join us at the Garden City Public Library on Oct. 25th at 11 AM. We'll have a drug reclamation, NARCAN training, on-site addiction specialists & more. Sign up for the training here:

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  3. 17. Okt.

    Thank you to all the students and families who joined us for our annual Service Academy Night! It always gives me such hope and pride to see so many young people express interest in serving our country.

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  4. 14. Okt.

    It's always an honor to speak at the 's Long Island legislative breakfast. Had an opportunity to discuss many important local & national issues. Thank you for your service to our country & our veterans!

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  5. 13. Okt.

    "And the new tax law provides even more opportunities for property investors to take larger deductions." Meanwhile, families in are paying higher taxes because of the 's cap on SALT deductions. This should tell you where their priorities are.

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  6. 12. Okt.

    New Yorkers: Today is the deadline to register to vote! Our democracy is stronger when everyone participates. Click here to find out how to register:

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  7. hat retweetet
    10. Okt.

    “Before they go to the polls in November, the American people deserve real assurance that our government is taking every necessary step to protect our elections. Anything less is unacceptable," said . Read the full bipartisan letter:

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  8. 9. Okt.

    The administration's proposal to privatize the postal service would lead to higher rates, fewer jobs, and reduced services. I stand with our postal workers in opposing this plan.

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  9. hat retweetet
    6. Okt.

    In Brett Kavanaugh, Senate Republicans have installed a wholly unfit justice to the . This is a dark day for women, survivors of sexual assault, and our democracy. Read our statement:

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  10. 4. Okt.

    Good news for the 53,000 TPS recipients in NYS. The decision to end TPS was yet another shameful & dangerous move by this administration. TPS recipients came here seeking safety & stability. They bought homes, opened businesses & raised families. They're part of our communities.

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  11. 3. Okt.

    Proud to see two of my bills included in the bipartisan . The Transparency in Technological Acquisition Act & the Keeping Our Travelers Safe and Secure Act will help ensure that our critical airport screening technology is up-to-date and well maintained.

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  12. 2. Okt.

    Looking forward to our first-ever Substance Abuse Prevention Day. Join us at the Garden City Public Library on Oct. 25th @ 11AM. We'll have a drug reclamation, NARCAN training, on-site addiction specialists & more. Sign up for the training here:

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  13. 2. Okt.

    This report confirms what we already knew: 1. DHS was completely unprepared to implement Trump's disastrous zero-tolerance policy 2. The admin misled the American people about family separations 3. The ensuing humanitarian crisis was fueled by sheer incompetence & indifference

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  14. 1. Okt.

    Congratulations to South Side High school and W. Tresper Clarke High School on being named 2018 National Blue Ribbon schools!

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  15. 28. Sep.

    The first tax bill capped state & local tax deductions & hurt hard-working families in . The new tax package makes that cap permanent. This isn't a "2.0" bill - it's just more of the same bad policy & it won't even get a vote in the Senate. Yet another PR stunt

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  16. 27. Sep.

    In awe of Dr. Ford's poise and courage. By coming forward and testifying today, she is standing up for survivors everywhere. We owe her a debt of gratitude.

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  17. 26. Sep.

    My statement on H.Res.1071.

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  18. 25. Sep.

    Enough is enough. , it’s time to vote on legislation to protect Robert Mueller and his investigation. This is not about politics, it's about preserving our rule of law.

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  19. 22. Sep.

    I met with our Advisory Committee yesterday to discuss the ongoing efforts to improve access to health care services for Long Island's vets.

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  20. 21. Sep.

    Proud to introduce the Students and Families Empowerment Act today . Too many college graduates are living with crippling student loan debt. Our government can & should do more to help. My bill offers important, common-sense solutions:

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