Rep Tim WalbergTài khoản được xác nhận


Proudly serving the Michigan 7th District, tweet at me or join the discussion on Facebook

MI 7th Congressional District
Đã tham gia tháng 1 năm 2011


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    Today, the House passed a significant legislative response to the opioid crisis. The package includes two of my bipartisan bills, Jessie’s Law and the Safe Disposal of Unused Medication Act.

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  2. Had the opportunity to visit the site of ProMedica Farms in Tecumseh, which grows produce, promotes health and wellness education, and provides rehabilitative services.

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    4 giờ trước

    U.S. Rep. Tim Walberg, R-Tipton, visited Hudson Area Schools today to see its programs in action, as well as tour the recently upgraded Southern Michigan Center for Science and Industry as the district expands and trains students for skilled trade careers.

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  4. Thanks to Principal Beard for welcoming me to today. Enjoyed speaking with a great group of students.

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  5. Great tour of in Hudson today to see the exciting opportunities they offer students. There are multiple pathways to rewarding careers, and it's critical we invest in skills-based education.

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  6. Enjoyed visiting Ferry Farms, a fourth generation family farm in Litchfield, earlier this week. Grateful for farmers like Scott and Ali who contribute so much to our communities.

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  7. Had a good tour and discussion about manufacturing today at Sport Truck USA in Coldwater. Thanks for showing me around your facility.

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  8. Thanks to the Coldwater Chamber for hosting today's small business roundtable. We had a good discussion on strengthening skills-based education and growing our local economy.

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  9. Enjoyed stopping by JAXPO today and visiting with local small businesses and community organizations. Each year, it's a great event by to showcase all that Jackson has to offer.

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  10. Great to grab a cup of coffee and catch up with Alan Wade of the Jackson Blazer.

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  11. Met with SOAR Café & Farms today to learn more about their program in Jackson County to support survivors of trafficking, addiction, and incarceration.

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  12. Stopped by Lansing Community College for a tour of their Electrical Technology Program. There is high demand for skilled trades professionals and these types of programs provide critical hands-on experience for students.

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  13. Via : U.S. Is World’s Most Competitive Economy for First Time in a Decade

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  14. Spoke to the Rotary Club of Grand Ledge today about our work to address the opioid crisis, strengthen workforce development, and grow the economy. Thanks for having me!

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  15. Had a great discussion with Annherst Kreitz of and Tim Austin of the board. A quality education sets a strong foundation for future success.

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  16. Enjoyed visiting and meeting everyone at Milan Middle School. Thanks for having me!

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  17. Great turnout at today's Job Fair organized by , , , and . Encouraging to see so many employers hiring new workers.

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  18. Via : Another great sign for the economy: Job openings hit an all-time high in August

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  19. Spent the morning with some wonderful students, teachers, and administrators at Milan Middle School. Thank you for inviting me and for all you do for our kids.

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  20. Hoàn tác
  21. Great to be in Saline tonight for the high school football game between and . Before the game, it was an honor to present Coach Al Leslie with a special tribute for being named the ALL-USA Boys Track and Field Coach of the Year. Congrats!

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