McCaskill OfficeAkaun disahkan


Office of U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill. Staff updates on Claire's work for Missouri.

Menyertai Julai 2009


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  1. Claire: “Insys took an anything-goes approach to push sales higher and distorted the doctor-patient relationship with outside compensation, just so pharmaceutical executives could line their pockets—it’s disgusting."

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  2. “The bigger the script, the more money you make.” Claire’s latest report shows how one drug company PAID sales reps to push physicians to prescribe high doses of their fentanyl drug – all for the sake of profit. Here’s the story:

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  3. For more than a year, Claire’s been digging into opioid manufacturers & distributors. THIS WEEK she released her fourth and latest report that shows Insys Therapeutics’ strategy for driving up the volume and strength of prescriptions for its fentanyl drug Subsys. WATCH:

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  4. 17 Okt

    Did you know that the third Wednesday of October (that’s today!) is officially designated "Missouri Day"? Today we’re celebrating everything that makes the Show-Me state special!

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  5. 17 Okt

    Claire knows “our nation’s students should never have to worry about being preyed upon while they work hard and invest their time, energy, and money in postsecondary education” – and she won’t stop fighting for Missouri students.

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  6. 17 Okt

    Fighting for Missouri students is a mission of Claire’s – and she’s thrilled to see this positive step to protect student loan borrowers and bring more accountability and affordability to higher education. Read more:

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  7. 12 Okt

    Claire knows “New mothers have their hands full as it is & the last thing they should be worrying about is how & where to feed their newborn while traveling. This commonsense plan will make these hectic & stressful travel experiences a little more convenient for moms on the move”

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  8. 12 Okt

    Any breastfeeding mom "knows just how frustratingly inconvenient airports can be." Thanks to Claire & 's bill signed into law by , that's about to change: airports are now required to have a space that meets the needs of nursing moms.

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  9. 12 Okt

    Today is and Claire’s celebrating by working to ensure Missouri’s farmers have access to key services. This week, she wrote to the to ensure FSA & NRCS offices are properly staffed & is fighting to protect farmers & ranchers from the ongoing trade war.

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  10. 11 Okt

    Claire’s thrilled that today, she can tell Missourians their prescriptions might cost less – because pharmacy gag clauses are finally a thing of the past. WATCH the clip from :

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  11. 11 Okt

    “The cost of your prescription drugs could become less expensive” thanks to new healthcare laws Claire sponsored. She’s fighting to lower prescription drug prices, maintain protections for pre-existing conditions, and keep key consumer protections. WATCH:

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  12. 10 Okt

    Claire’s heard it time and time again: healthcare costs are is TOO HIGH for Missourians. And rather than work towards solutions, the Administration’s “junk” plans won’t do anything to fix that – in fact, they’ll probably make it even worse. Claire won’t stop fighting back.

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  13. 10 Okt

    Claire: "After months of hard, bipartisan work including support from the President, I’m proud to report that pharmacy gag clauses are finally a thing of the past." Here's Claire on the importance of her bill 📺 WATCH:

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  14. 10 Okt

    Big news: *just* signed Claire’s bill to prevent pharmacy “gag clauses” – and stop patients overpaying for their medications. This is incredible news – here’s the story:

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  15. 10 Okt

    Claire’s always fought to keep pre-existing condition protections & tackle rising healthcare and prescription drug costs – but “junk” insurance plans could increase costs for Missourians & reduce access to quality healthcare for seniors & those with pre-existing conditions.

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  16. 10 Okt

    In a partisan effort to undermine protections for those with preexisting conditions, the Administration is attempting to expand “junk” bare-bones, temporary health insurance plans… but Claire’s pushing back. Because they’re just that: Junk.

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  17. 10 Okt

    Claire’s seen firsthand how inspires young Missourians and gives them hands-on life experience and agriculture expertise. Happy , !

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  18. 10 Okt

    Claire on graduates of the Jackson County Drug Court: “they’re working, they’re raising children, they’re contributing to their community and they have really tackled the problem causing the low-level, nonviolent crime, which was drug addiction.” WATCH:

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  19. 9 Okt

    TODAY the Administration announced year round sales of E15 ethanol blend – a move Claire’s been pushing for years. Claire: “With MO’s ethanol industry as one of our most powerful economic engines, I’m thrilled our farmers, producers & businesses stand to benefit from this move.”

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  20. 9 Okt

    Missouri Task Force One is headed to Florida before makes landfall – Claire’s grateful for their bravery and hard work in Florence and keeping in her thoughts as they head south again just 10 days after returning from North Carolina.

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