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Cory Gardner
Proudly serving the state of Colorado in the United States Senate. This is my official Senate Twitter account.
Cory Gardner 3h
Replying to @SenCoryGardner
This announcement is good for Ft. Carson, CO, and most importantly the right decision for our military. We made the case to the Army that Fort Carson’s incredible infrastructure, manpower, and support will guarantee an effective increase in the Army’s readiness and capabilities.
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Cory Gardner 3h
I announced today with that after several meetings over the course of the past year with Army leadership, the Army will stand up a Stryker Brigade Combat Team at Ft. Carson in Colorado Springs.
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Cory Gardner Sep 19
My prayers are with the Gaiter family. Lew Gaiter was a man of integrity, serving as Larimer County Commissioner for years while battling cancer. His leadership & devotion to family & community will be missed. The impact he left on us will not be forgotten. I will miss my friend.
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Cory Gardner Sep 19
Complete, verifiable, and irreversible denuclearization is United States and international law. These steps are important - inspectors must have full, unfettered access and accounting.
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Cory Gardner Sep 15
Replying to @SenCoryGardner
In the meantime, the Trump administration should immediately increase its diplomatic efforts to compel every entity — Russian or otherwise — to comply with international sanctions against North Korea. Without this pressure, North Korea will not denuclearize.
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Cory Gardner Sep 15
Replying to @SenCoryGardner
We urge the Panel not to cave to Russian pressure and to release the original version of the report. Countries not applying pressure are enabling North Korea's advancing nuclear weapons program.
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Cory Gardner Sep 15
Replying to @SenCoryGardner
Russia is acting in bad faith, and we join Ambassador Haley’s call for transparency and accountability on sanctions enforcement at the United Nations against North Korea.
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Cory Gardner Sep 15
. & I joined today in condemning Russian interference with a key UN Panel of Experts report concerning NK sanctions & calling for the release of the original version of the report, which implicates Russian entities in sanctions violations.
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Cory Gardner Sep 13
I hosted a roundtable Tuesday in GJ that focused on the importance of Jordan Cove. This project would take liquified natural gas and turn it into fuel exports, creating a great source of energy in the US. Check out ’s article to read more about it.
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Cory Gardner Sep 13
This is great news – the House Natural Resources Committee just passed a measure to reauthorize LWCF. There’s bipartisan support in both chambers of Congress. We need to get the job done to fund .
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Cory Gardner retweeted
Bobby Braun Sep 11
Great to be in ’s hometown today with his regional director Darlene and visiting Yuma High School to showcase the impact of engineering on our state, nation & world.
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Cory Gardner retweeted
Rep. Scott Tipton Sep 12
Yesterday, I hosted a roundtable discussion w/ on the importance of the Jordan Cove Project. The abundance of natural gas in W. CO puts us in a unique position to supply energy to U.S. allies and create jobs in CO.
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Cory Gardner Sep 12
I held a roundtable yesterday w/ police from GJ, Palisade, & Fruita. It's critical that our first responders have the resources they need to fight the opioid epidemic. I appreciated their insights as we discussed the legislation I’ve introduced to help stop this crisis.
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Cory Gardner retweeted
Niels Lesniewski Sep 11
Following NBC report about sonic attacks, renews calls for declaring Russia a state sponsor of terror
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Cory Gardner Sep 11
Replying to @SenCoryGardner
This includes the invasion of Ukraine, the support for the murderous Assad regime in Syria, and assassinations on foreign soil. Russia is a state sponsor of terrorism, and it is time we treat them that way.
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Cory Gardner Sep 11
Replying to @SenCoryGardner
Vladimir Putin cannot continue to operate with impunity and it is time we impose tough and lasting consequences for Russia’s actions that undermine civilized norms and international law.
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Cory Gardner Sep 11
Replying to @SenCoryGardner
As the facts of this heinous act are further ascertained, I urge the Senate to pass my legislation requiring the State Department to consider the designation of Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism, and a comprehensive sanctions package against Russia I introduced last month.
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Cory Gardner Sep 11
If these reports are true, this is a direct attack by Russia against the United States.
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Cory Gardner Sep 11
Seventeen years ago the United States experienced a horrendous act of evil and terror. We will the lives lost on 9/11 and we will continue to honor their memory.
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Cory Gardner Sep 10
Exciting to see the South I-25 “Gap” project is underway. This project will help alleviate unbearable traffic and safety risks. I was pleased to support a grant at the federal level for this project and will continue my efforts to ensure CO has resources for infra needs.
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