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John Ratcliffe
U.S. Congressman for Texas' 4th District. Cybersecurity Chairman. Member of & House Ethics. Former prosecutor. RTs ≠ endorsements
John Ratcliffe Sep 21
We must define 's specific role in the implementation of the administration's National Cyber Strategy, so we can ensure a robust approach is utilized to most effectively address our top cyber priorities both foreign and domestic. Full statement:
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Sec. Kirstjen Nielsen Sep 20
Today, the released a National Strategy, the first in 15 years, to address the challenges faced by a growing & evolving cyber environment. The strategy will guide & Admin efforts to combat cyber crime and secure cyberspace.
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John Ratcliffe Sep 19
ICYMI: My legislation to codify the program at gained traction yesterday with the introduction of 's Senate bill.
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John Ratcliffe Sep 18
I'm partnering with to codify the program at , so we can help federal agencies update and improve their cyber posture.
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John Ratcliffe Sep 17
Lisa Page's testimony is consistent with a lot of other testimony, to the point that neither she or Peter Strzok and the folks at the center of the Trump-Russia collusion investigation had any evidence of collusion with Russians nearly a year into the investigation.
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John Ratcliffe Sep 17
On this day, 231 years ago, the U.S. Constitution was signed.
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John Ratcliffe Sep 17
Replying to @RepRatcliffe
The sooner this happens, the sooner the public will see that this Russian collusion is at best, misleading, and at worst, false from the onset.
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John Ratcliffe Sep 17
I was heartened to hear that Chairman Nunes plans to release transcripts from the House Intel Committee. I would urge Chairman Goodlatte to do the same in respect to Page and Strzok’s testimonies.
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Maria Bartiromo Sep 16
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Fox News Sep 16
.: “I think under really difficult circumstances, FEMA has done a really great job.”
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John Ratcliffe Sep 16
Looking forward to joining on to discuss the next steps in the House Republican probes into the DOJ & FBI’s actions leading up to the 2018 election, and the calls to declassify the FISA documents related to Bruce Ohr.
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Maria Bartiromo Sep 16
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John Ratcliffe Sep 13
Today approved legislation to implement a vulnerability defense policy at , so we can leverage assistance from people who want to proactively contribute to bolstering the cybersecurity of our nation.
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House Homeland Sep 13
Today's bills: 1. Protect our critical infrastructure against drones 2. Report security vulnerabilities of public websites 3. Establish Border Tunnel Task Forces 4. Equip CBP with better communication devices 5. Identify IT weaknesses at DHS with a bug bounty pilot program
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The White House Sep 12
Today, President Trump signed an Executive Order that will work to respond to and deter foreign attempts to interfere in our elections. Get the facts ⬇️
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NFIB Sep 11
BREAKING: The NFIB Optimism Index soared in August to 108.8 – the highest in the survey’s 45-year history. Read the full report:
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John Ratcliffe Sep 12
THIS JUST IN: Small business optimism in our country has surpassed the previous record set under President Reagan, according to a new survey by the .
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The White House Sep 11
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John Ratcliffe Sep 11
We will never forget the lives that were lost 17 years ago on 9/11, the bravery of the first responders, and the resilience of the American people on this tragic day in our nation’s history.
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John Ratcliffe Sep 10
Governments & political parties have no business forcing citizens to denounce their religion. The Chinese government's crackdown against the religious beliefs of its people represents an affront against inalienable human rights & should not be tolerated.
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