Financial Svcs DemsПідтверджений профіль


Democratic Members of the House Committee on Financial Services - Ranking Member: Facebook:

Washington, DC
Дата приєднання: травень 2011


  1. 3 жовт.

    🚨 🚨 Ranking Member Introduces Legislation to Put Consumers First READ: |

  2. 1 жовт.
    , , і ще 6
  3. 1 жовт.

    : Ranking Member Leads Call for Committee to Investigate Failures to Protect Loan Borrowers at the READ:

  4. 26 вер.

    : Ranking Member Calls on to Discontinue Support for the Government of READ:

  5. 21 вер.

    : , and 17 Other Call on to Maintain Capital Requirements for Megabanks

  6. 17 вер.

    : Ranking Member ' Statement on the 10th Anniversary of the 2008 Financial Crisis READ: |

  7. 13 вер.

    "The Trump Administration’s transfer of $9.8 million in FEMA emergency preparedness funding to ICE for its detention centers at the beginning of this year’s hurricane season is a travesty." - Ranking Member |

  8. 12 вер.

    "For far too long, certain financial professionals have been able to game the system & choose a standard of care that allows them to put their interests & profit motives ahead of their retail clients" - RM's , , &

  9. 7 вер.

    "Given the critical importance of the to our housing market, we must take this small step to at least provide some level of certainty to businesses and families." - Ranking Member | |

  10. 7 вер.

    "Mr. Chairman,... I would point out that control the House, the , and the , and there have been no apparent steps to advance comprehensive housing finance reform since they gained that control." - RM |

  11. 31 серп.

    Ranking Member ' Statement on the ’s Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Modernization

  12. 2 серп.

    : Ranking Member Statement on Charter Announcement and Report READ:

  13. 25 лип.

    "I have led the effort for years to provide long-term reauthorizations of the that also ensure the affordability and availability of flood insurance, and I will continue to do so when this latest short-term extension expires in November." - Ranking Member

  14. 25 лип.

    "...I am pleased that we are taking the small step today of reauthorizing the Program for 4 months to at least provide some level of certainty to businesses & families. But let us not be fooled into thinking that our work is done." - RM |

  15. 18 лип.

    : Ranking Member and 61 Members Demand Long-Term Reauthorization of National Program

  16. 18 лип.

    "As a result of Democratic policies and the policies of the , we are now experiencing the longest stretch of private sector job growth on record. But...Trump is putting all of that progress at risk." - Ranking Member |

  17. 18 лип.

    Ranking Member to Chair: Trump’s Policies Threaten Economic Gains Put in Motion During the Obama Administration

  18. 12 лип.

    "...[T]his trade war comes at a time when our deficit has ballooned due to the Republican tax law, which has been nothing more than a giveaway to very wealthy individuals, banks and big corporations." - RM |

  19. 12 лип.

    : At Hearing on International Financial System, Ranking Member Presses Mnuchin on Trump’s Trade War READ:

  20. 12 лип.

    "I am committed to supporting legislation that will make sure this economic growth extends to everyone, including small businesses, which are at the forefront of job creation, and hardworking families." - Ranking Member

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