Ways and Means认证账号


The Senior Committee, with jurisdiction over taxes, trade, healthcare, welfare, and Social Security

Washington, D.C.
加入于 2008年1月


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  1. 置顶推文

    We sent out to the streets of capitol hill to quiz tourists visiting D.C. on the new tax law. See how they did & what surprised them 👇🏼

  2. 10月19日

    Just Announced: proposed regulations for , a part of the aimed at helping communities facing economic hardships. Chairman Statement 👇🏼

  3. 10月19日

    During National Disability Employment Awareness Month, learn more about how W&M has been a proud leader in addressing the barriers that can keep individuals with disabilities from returning to the workforce. 👇🏼

  4. 10月18日

    “The fact that record numbers of workers are voluntarily quitting their jobs suggests that they are finding substantially better opportunities elsewhere in the market.” Read more about the positive outcomes after our Act:

  5. 10月18日

    continues to deliver for the American economy. “In the 12 months through August, the economy created a net 2.4 million jobs.”

  6. 10月18日

    . has been a leader on these reforms that help America’s Main Street businesses and workers thrive.

  7. 10月17日

    Chairman ’s statement on the necessity of our in light of IG report confirming illegal drug smuggling through the international mail 👇🏼

  8. 10月17日

    We’ve gone from a country asking, “Where are the jobs?” to a country asking, “Where are the workers?” Thanks to the & Act, there are more opportunities in the workforce than ever before:

  9. 10月17日

    The U.S. economy is back at the top as the most competitive economy in the world for the first time since the financial crisis 🎉

  10. 10月17日

    “Looking for a new job? You’re in luck. There are 7.1 million job openings, a record high, according to the JOLTS report through August, as tracked by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.” Read more 👇🏼

  11. 转推了

    🚨 BREAKING: The U.S. ranked No.1 spot for the first time since 2008 as the most competitive economy in the world! 🚨

  12. 10月16日
  13. 10月16日

    . intends to enter into trade negotiations with the EU, Japan & UK. : “...high-standard trade agreements with each of these economies would expand our ability to sell ‘made in America’ products around the globe” Full Statement ⬇️

  14. 转推了

    “The ultra-low jobless rate — the best in nearly 49 years — reflects a healthy economy driven by strong consumer and business spending. In fact, hiring is so strong that employers are having trouble filling openings and some are being forced to offer higher pay.”

  15. 转推了

    More jobs. Bigger paychecks. Lowest unemployment in over four decades. Thanks to tax reform and pro-growth policies, American workers are

  16. 转推了

    American job openings and new hires reached record high for the month of August.

  17. 转推了

    We've gone from "where are the jobs?" to "where are the workers?" in this booming economy thanks to

  18. 10月16日

    Thanks to ’s work on , Michigander’s will pay less in utilities – Michigan Public Service Commission approved $379.5 MILLION in rate relief for consumers, citing the .

  19. 10月15日

    Attention parents ‼️ Under the tax law, we doubled the child tax credit to $2000 per kid so you can spend it – or save it – however you see fit! Already knew that? Test your knowledge on 👇🏼

  20. 10月15日

    What is in Tax Reform? - Nearly doubled standard deduction - $2,000 tax credit per child - Tax relief for local small businesses - Repeal of Obamacare tax penalty - Tax credit for paid family leave A lot of people don’t know how the law will help them. Spread the word ➡ RT

  21. 转推了

    TRUTH: What does the government-run health care, ‘Medicare for all’ look like? ⚠️ Bans health care plans at work ⚠️ Slashes payments to doctors & hospitals ⚠️ Doubles all family & business taxes ⚠️ Price controls & long waits ⚠️ Puts Washington in control



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