Senator Mike CrapoTài khoản được xác nhận


United States Senator for the great state of Idaho.

Idaho & Washington, D.C.
Đã tham gia tháng 6 năm 2012


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  1. đã Tweet lại
    19 thg 10

    Congratulations to Senators Mike Crapo, and Jim Risch, along with US Rep Mike Simpson and Raul Labrador. All four members of Idaho’s congressional delegation have earned the American Farm Bureau Federation’s Friend of Farm Bureau Award for their efforts during the 115th Congress

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  3. Happy 243rd Birthday to the . Thank you for your dedication to deterring aggression and maintaining freedom of the seas.

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  4. On , I am thankful for the many farmers in Idaho who work long, tough hours to provide much for our daily lives.

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  5. đã Tweet lại
    12 thg 10

    HAPPY NATIONAL FARMER'S DAY! Your hard work, diligence and perseverance is much appreciated!

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  6. REMINDER: The application to serve as an intern in my office for the Spring 2019 period closes on Monday, October 15.

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  7. This measure will help eliminate regulatory hurdles on projects involving the Corps of Engineers, improve our inland waterways, dams and agricultural irrigation delivery systems, and provide communities the ability to maintain and improve water infrastructure systems.

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  8. The bipartisan America’s Water Infrastructure Act will support and advance critical water infrastructure projects across the nation and right here in Idaho.

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  10. Watch my remarks here:

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  11. Hiện chuỗi hội thoại này
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  12. The overwhelming support this measure received demonstrates the urgency needed to address and combat addiction across Idaho and the nation.

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  13. The legislation passed today by the Senate will help Idaho community and health care leaders combat the growing opioid crisis.

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  14. Congratulations to Colonel Robert Bost for assuming command of the Idaho Wing of the this past weekend! His leadership will help advance Idaho’s CAP civilian mission to enhance aerospace education, cadet programs and emergency services in Idaho.

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  15. đã Tweet lại
    3 thg 10

    . and the approved an of $1.8M to improve at McCall Municipal Airport in .

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  16. My statement on the Administration's .

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  18. Congratulations to Lincoln Elementary School (Rexburg) and Garwood Elementary School (Rathdrum) for being named National Blue Ribbon Schools for 2018! These schools have demonstrated academic excellence and progress in closing achievement gaps.

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  19. đã Tweet lại

    Great news! My bipartisan bill w Senator , which aims to strengthen the ability of national laboratories to partner w private industry to prove the principles behind their ideas, has been signed into law. This is the result of years of bipartisan collaboration & work.

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  20. Statistics show 1 in 9 men in our country will be diagnosed with prostate cancer. Education and early detection are critical, and this resolution is a reminder to men to take action to prevent cancer.

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