
Zablokowano @RepPerlmutter

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  1. ICYMI - The anniversary of the , recent news on & FAFSA, and a special birthday message to one of Colorado's own.

  2. Glad to see Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein voice support for the and confirm the investigation is warranted and yielding results.

  3. podał/a dalej
    20 godzin temu

    Don't miss out on that 💵! Know these 3 FAFSA deadlines:

  4. 18 paź

    The was a landmark achievement that helped provide vital protections to ensure clean water for our food, ecosystems and health. We cannot let & a GOP Congress undermine these key protections and roll back the progress we've made.

  5. 17 paź

    I am proud to stand on the right side of history when it comes to protecting and advancing the rights of the LGBTQ community. No one should be discriminated against because of who they are, or who they love.

  6. 17 paź

    DYK - In 1911, President Taft first brought forward the idea of an organization to represent the concerns of US biz? Today CD7 has several Chambers that provide support & advocacy for our local businesses & communities. Keep up the good work!

  7. 17 paź

    Glad we were able to help Jason and Maigan, and glad they will be back in Colorado tonight!

  8. podał/a dalej
    17 paź

    . is coming after Medicare & Social Security after their tax cuts for millionaires & big corporations blew a massive hole in our debt & deficits. Democrats are & committed to protecting the benefits Americans work a lifetime to earn.

  9. podał/a dalej
    15 paź

    You may recall that many Republicans said their tax cuts would "pay for themselves" through increased growth/revenues. In the first nine months, they are not -- by any measure.

    Pokaż ten wątek
  10. 16 paź
  11. 16 paź

    "The annual deficit continues a pattern of fiscal recklessness that Trump & Republicans have established since they took office in Jan. 2017...Whatever temporary bump we got from a massive tax cut for the rich, the debt will eventually drag down growth."

  12. 16 paź

    If it weren't for the , which gave massive tax cuts to corporations and wealthy donors, the deficit would have improved rather than rising by $113 billion for FY2018.

  13. 15 paź

    Sad to hear about the loss of Bill Coors, a friend, a pioneer and an icon in our community and in the brewing industry. He will forever be remembered for his innovation, dedication and leadership.

  14. 15 paź

    Find out more about what the 2.8 percent cost-of-living adjustment for Social Security benefits means for you through your online Social Security account or a paper statement in the mail.

  15. 14 paź

    Today kicks off National Wildlife Refuge Week which highlights conservation efforts in the refuge system and the importance of refuges for future generations. The 7th Congressional District is home to three refuges, all of which are great places to recreate & enjoy the outdoors!

  16. 13 paź

    ICYMI - Richard Pinedo sentenced to six months in prison as part of the . He's the third person to be sentenced and one of 32 people charged in the investigation thus far.

  17. 13 paź

    In just a few weeks, the will unveil its second time capsule and carry on the tradition of filling a new one. You can submit digital contributions to the 2018 capsule by November 5. Learn more at .

  18. 12 paź

    serves as an important reminder about how to keep your home and your family safe in case of a fire. Lots of good information and resources at .

  19. 12 paź

    Great event yesterday! Congrats to Councilor Laura Weinberg and for your contributions to our community. Keep up the good work!

  20. 12 paź

    . promised “the biggest & boldest infrastructure investment in American history” INSTEAD Republicans continue to propose infrastructure cuts in the President’s budget while giving tax cuts to corporations & the wealthy. The GOP agenda isn't working .


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