SASC DemocratsConta verificada


Official Twitter account of the Senate Armed Services Committee's Democratic members, led by Ranking Member (D-RI)

Washington, DC
Participa desde novembro de 2014


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  1. retweetou
    31 de ago

    Current & past Senate Armed Services Cmte leaders Jack Reed, Carl Levin & John Warner leave Rotunda together with arms around each other after honoring Chairman John McCain.

  2. 15 de ago
  3. retweetou
    1 de ago

    U.S. Senate just voted 87-10 to pass the John S. McCain to strengthen national security & support our troops. Congrats to Chairman on a job well done & thank you to all my colleagues who worked on a bipartisan basis to bolster our national defense!

  4. 23 de jul

    Today, the House-Senate conference committee reached bicameral agreement on the John S. McCain NDAA for FY2019. Ranking Member Reed's full statement on the NDAA & its impact on Rhode Island:

  5. 6 de jun
  6. retweetou
    24 de mai

    SASC voted 25-2 to approve the John S. McCain III National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2019. Bill supports a total of $716B for national defense programs, including a base budget of $639B & $69 billion for OCO.

  7. 3 de mai
  8. 26 de abr

    Today at 9:30 AM: hearing to receive testimony on budget posture in review of the FY 2019 Defense Authorization Request & Future Years Defense Program. Watch live here:

  9. 24 de abr

    Happening now: hearing on the posture of the w/ witnesses Heather Wilson & AF Chief of Staff . Watch live here:

  10. 19 de abr

    Happening now: hearing to receive testimony on the posture of . Watch live:

  11. 10 de abr

    Happening now: hearing to receive testimony on the posture of to help ensure our military maintains its global mobility edge. Watch live:

  12. 8 de mar

    Today at 9:30am: hearing to receive testimony from General Scaparrotti on the U.S. European Command () in review of FY2019 Defense Authorization Request & Future Years Defense Program. Watch live:

  13. 6 de mar

    Happening now: hearing to receive testimony on Worldwide Threats from Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Dan Coats & Lt Gen Robert Ashley Jr., Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). Watch live here:

  14. retweetou
    21 de fev

    Productive bilateral meeting in Amman with HM King Abdullah II to discuss strategic partnership & cooperation between U.S. & Jordan as well as recent developments to enhance regional security & stability.

  15. 30 de jan

    This morning at 10 AM: hearing on The Situation in the Korean Peninsula and U.S. Strategy in the Indo-Pacific Region. Watch live:

  16. 25 de jan

    Happening now: hearing to receive testimony on global challenges & U.S. national security strategy. Watch live here:

  17. 18 de jan

    Happening now: hearing to consider Department of Defense nominations. Watch live here:

  18. retweetou
    9 de jan

    Looking forward to welcoming to ! He is a great advocate for South Carolina’s servicemembers & military installations and I know he will be a great addition to the Senate Armed Services Committee.

  19. retweetou
    16 de nov de 2017

    I salute for his steadfast leadership & partnership in passing a bipartisan defense policy bill. sets national security priorities & authorizes needed investments to bolster our national defense. Congress must now take next step & fix .

  20. 8 de nov de 2017

    The House-Senate conference committee has reached bicameral agreement on the National Defense Authorization Act.


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