Joint Economic Committee认证账号


Official account of the U.S. Congressional Joint Economic Committee, Republicans. Chairman

加入于 2010年1月


  1. American job openings and new hires reached record high for the month of August.

  2. "Serving this administration, especially as a Latina, provides an important platform to represent the community that is such a big part of me." - United States Treasure, Jovita Carranza

  3. 134,000 jobs added and unemployment at historic low!

  4. Weekly jobless claims at 49-year low! 🔻

  5. Permanent tax relief for families means millionaires pay a larger share of the tax burden and those who need it most see the largest percentage drop in their taxes. Read more here:

  6. 🚨 CONFIRMED: GDP rises to 4.2% in second quarter! 🚨

  7. "After years of subpar performance, the economy grew at a 4.2% annualized rate last quarter; wages are rising, unemployment rate is its lowest since 2000; consumer confidence is at its highest since 2000; small biz optimism is its highest ever, & inflation remains low & stable…"

  8. Chairman released the following statement responding to the Fed’s decision to raise its interest rate target. "The Federal Reserve’s decision today shows its confidence in the continued strengthening of the U.S. economy…"

  9. Are you watching? Tune in now!

  10. "The children from the poorest families ended up twice as well-off as their parents. People in the top quintile did no better or worse than their parents."

  11. “Julia Isaacs’s study for the Pew Charitable Trusts finds that children raised in the poorest families made the largest gains as adults relative to children born into richer families."

  12. LIVE NOW: "Examining the Rise of American Earnings and Living Standards"

  13. Hearing starting soon!

  14. JOIN US TOMORROW for our hearing on "Examining the Rise of American Earnings and Living Standards"

    和另外 6 人
  15. Tune in Wednesday for our hearing on "Examining the Rise of American Earnings and Living Standards."


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