Rep. Wasserman Schultz已認證帳戶


U.S. Congresswoman proudly representing the people of Florida's 23rd District in our nation's capital.

Weston & Washington


  1. So fortunate my district office is in the . City employees who work alongside us are amazing public servants. We gathered today, along w/ , to reflect on last week's tragic event and give thanks everyone is safe & well. My gratitude is overwhelming.

  2. Today we stand united, from all faiths, with the Tree of Life Congregation victims, their families & injured first responders. Tomorrow we will stand together to renew our fight for sensible gun reforms, and remain vigilant as ever in challenging anti-Semitism, bigotry and hate.

  3. 10月24日

    We will not be intimidated by this attempted act of violence. Today, my staff and I will hug each other and our loved ones tightly, and tomorrow we will get back to work serving the people I was elected to represent.

  4. 10月22日

    From helping prevent childhood drownings to prosecuting vile criminals who target children online, protecting our youth has been a major focus of my time in public service. I loved seeing so many smiling faces at the 19th annual "A Day For Children" at .

  5. 10月18日

    I'm proud to stand on the right side of history and to have earned a perfect score from - the nation's largest LGBTQ civil rights organization.

  6. 9月28日

    I marched to the Senate Judiciary Committee to ask the male GOP members to listen to women and not give a lifetime seat on our highest court to a man accused of sexual assault without an FBI investigation.

  7. 9月25日

    Floridian's deserve better than Rick Scott's costly and disastrous debris removal effort after Hurricane Irma. I'm glad the Department of Homeland Security Inspector General has answered my call to conduct an investigation so we don't repeat the same mistakes again.

  8. 9月11日

    As the sun sets and Rosh Hashanah comes to an end, I join our nation in remembering the victims who lost their lives 17 years ago - and honoring the brave men and women who risked everything to come to the aid of their fellow Americans. We will

  9. 9月5日

    Brett Kavanaugh is a threat to our health care. As a breast cancer survivor, I refuse to go back to the days when insurance companies could discriminate against people with pre-existing conditions.

  10. 8月20日

    Health care should be a right for all, not a privilege for the few - and our seniors deserve to live with dignity.

  11. 8月16日

    Having internet access should not mean having automatic access to assault weapons. That's why I'm joining to introduce legislation to block these dangerous "ghost guns." Thank you for your courage and advocacy on this important issue.

  12. 7月30日

    Medicare & Medicaid turn 53 today, providing millions of seniors and low-income and disabled Americans with affordable health care. While Republicans call for cuts and threaten the long-term health of these successful programs, Democrats will keep fighting to make them stronger.

  13. 7月27日

    Donald Trump’s nomination of Brett Kavanaugh is a threat to women’s reproductive rights and the health care protections that prevent Americans with pre-existing conditions from facing discrimination. That’s

  14. 7月25日

    I’m glad the Appropriations Committee adopted my proposal to require an audit of Rick Scott’s disastrous Hurricane Irma debris removal effort. Florida taxpayers should not be victims of price gouging carried out by our Governor. This is a watchdog we need.

  15. 7月24日

    Every Floridian deserves to know if Governor Scott gave debris removal contracts to companies he had a relationship with, instead of honoring the cheaper agreements that were in place before Hurricane Irma hit. It's an abuse of taxpayer dollars and it looks like crony capitalism.

  16. 7月23日

    On Facing South Florida with , I shared the story of a mother I met who relied on an "underground railroad" of volunteers to reunite with her children in the aftermath of Trump's family separation policy.

  17. 7月17日

    Representing one of the largest populations of Holocaust survivors in the nation is one of my greatest privileges as a Member of Congress. I'm so proud to co-sponsor the bipartisan Eli Wiesel Act to put the real weight of the U.S. government behind the sacred words "Never Again."

  18. 7月17日

    Thanks to for inviting me to be a panelist today. It’s always great to talk to young women about leadership roles in public service.

  19. 7月12日

    I offered an amendment in the Appropriations Committee to prevent the Trump Administration from trying to use the court system to eliminate health care protections for people with pre-existing conditions. Not a single Republican supported it.

  20. 7月4日

    On this Independence Day, let us celebrate those who serve and defend our democracy, treasure the time we spend with our friends and loved ones, and reaffirm our mission to make this nation a more perfect union. Happy July 4th!


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