SASC DemocratsOvěřený účet


Official Twitter account of the Senate Armed Services Committee's Democratic members, led by Ranking Member (D-RI)

Washington, DC
Připojil se listopad 2014


  1. 14. 7. 2017

    These cute kittens -- Duck, Goose & Swan -- are assisting staff today & are available for adoption.

  2. 18. 1. 2017

    Today, & announced subcommittee leaders for 115th Congress:

  3. 6. 1. 2017
  4. 6. 12. 2016

    Statement from on the nomination of General James Mattis to be Secretary of Defense:

  5. 7. 6. 2016

    Video of discussing the FY 2017 on Senate floor:

  6. 8. 5. 2015

    Impressive display of planes flying over the natl mall today to honor our , mark .

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