Senator Hatch OfficeOvěřený účet


U.S. Senator from Utah, writer of songs and laws. Tweets are by Sen. Hatch's staff; those signed ogh are from Sen. Hatch himself. Wearer of invisible glasses.

Připojil se březen 2011


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  1. Připnutý tweet
    6. 10.
  2. Happy Birthday to , a great Senator and key partner on: One of our highest priorities, medical marijuana research— The Echo Act, a key tele-health bill that became law at the end of last Congress —

  3. One would assume this is not how the protestor expected this to go.

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  4. A protestor attempted to chase ⁦⁩ and his wife Secretary Chao out of a Louisville restaurant but got shouted down and shooed away by other customers. People have had enough of this kind of politics.

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  5. 20. 10.
    Zobrazit toto vlákno
  6. 20. 10.

    And naturally concluded with a hotdog. 🇺🇸

    Zobrazit toto vlákno
  7. 20. 10.

    Made some new friends

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  8. 20. 10.

    He also enjoyed some samples.

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  9. 20. 10.

    Senator Hatch at Costco in May getting his picture taken for his concealed carry permit renewal in Utah. More here via ⁦⁩ —>

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  10. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    19. 10.

    And so the American experiment began. The beer of the root sprang freely that day as we celebrated an historic victory. 🇺🇸

  11. 19. 10.

    A thread about a number of heroic Utah veterans who have visited Washington today to see the monuments that have been dedicated to honor their service. 🇺🇸 We are forever in their debt.

  12. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    19. 10.

    New by me: and recounted to me about the daily threats and chaos they faced by protesters during Kavanaugh's confirmation. TIL: Sen. Hatch has a conceal carry permit, which he has recently renewed.

  13. 19. 10.

    Martin Cowburn joined the Navy when he was 17, and received a letter of accommodation, a Bronze Star, and a Presidential Unit of Citation for Bravery for his service in Vietnam He now resides in Orem with his wife and 6 children, 23 grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren.

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  14. 19. 10.

    Keith Bird received an Army commendation for valor fighting the Vietcong. He now lives in Central Valley with his wife Lois and puppy Tasha.

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  15. 19. 10.

    Maylen Mickleson, a alum, served in Vietnam from 1969-1970 where he earned the Air Medal, Bronze Star, Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry and the Combat Infantryman Badge. He and his wife Nikki have been married 48 years, have 7 kids, 13 grandkids, and 1 great granddaughter

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  16. 19. 10.

    Calvin Stewart was drafted in the army in June of 1968. A year later he was sent to Vietnam, where he served in Vungtau, Phu Bai, Quang Tri and Da Nang. He now lives in Central Valley Utah with his Wife Marlene. He has 3 children and 11 grandchildren.

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  17. 19. 10.

    John Pruitt served in the US Army from 1970-1973, serving in the 175th Radio Research Company at Buen Hoa in the Republic of South Vietnam. He later served as a Sargeant First Class in the artillery in the Utah National Guard.

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  18. 19. 10.

    Charles Hyde had read his families entire “Book of Lands” several times before he was 12 years old. He joined the navy after high school to see the world. He served in Vietnam from the Tonkin Gulf to the Mekong Delta, supporting Marine and Seal teams, and later in Guam.

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  19. 19. 10.

    Paul Collins was sworn into the Marines in July of 1966. He volunteered to serve in Vietnam and was sent to Chu Lai by way of Japan and the Phillipines. He later spent 9 years in the Utah National Guard.

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  20. 19. 10.

    Major Frank Butler served in the Air Force during the Vietnam War, flying missions from Utapow Thailand into the Gulf of Tokin. He received an award for Air Crew of the year for saving a B-52 flying over Guam.

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  21. 19. 10.

    Richard "the Burge" Burgess was captured while serving in the 3rd Marine Division in Vietnam and held for 6 years. 5 years in solitary confinement, 6 months in handcuffs, and thirty days in a tiger cage. Read more about his incredible story here -->

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