Rep. Ted Deutchحساب موثّق


Ranking Member of Ethics Committee. Member of Foreign Affairs & Judiciary. Proudly serving Broward & Palm Beach Counties. Vegan.

Florida, USA
انضم في أبريل ٢٠١٠


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  1. قبل ٤٩ دقيقة

    Thanks to for taking the time to meet with Max Schachter as he continues his mission to honor Alex by making sure no child has to feel unsafe in school again

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  2. قبل ساعتين

    Given the repeated denials, hard to take the Saudi explanation of a fistfight gone wrong seriously. US-Saudi relationship is too important to allow this to continue to go unresolved. US must get full accounting of facts & take appropriate action to stand up for our values.

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  3. قبل ١٦ ساعة

    2 weeks after Khashoggi entered the consulate, Saudis now acknowledge his death & fired 5 “officials” & arrested others. But we still don’t know who was part of the plot. This can’t just get swept under the rug. US intel must verify facts. We must stand up for human rights.

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  4. قبل ٢١ ساعة

    The Spanish River High School Kindness Matters Club made hundreds of Halloween treats for the kids affected by Hurricane Michael. I am proud of their work and I am glad to have the opportunity to coordinate with to get victims food supplies.

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  5. ١٩ أكتوبر

    Medicaid expansion is making it easier for people with opioid and other substance abuse disorders to get the care they need. We need to continue to make it easier for them and we have the ability to do so. Let’s make it happen.

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  6. ١٩ أكتوبر

    Why should Florida ? Because children deserve access to consistent medical care. Children in low income families are 45% likelier to have a well-visit when their parent is enrolled in Medicaid.

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  7. ١٩ أكتوبر

    Families and communities in Medicaid expansion states are already realizing the benefits – better health outcomes, better access to care, more financial security, and more support for employment. Florida should because Floridians deserves these outcomes, too.

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  8. ١٩ أكتوبر

    Necessary care should not be contingent upon what is in your bank account. Florida should because Medicaid enrollees are less likely to forgo care due to costs.

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  9. ١٩ أكتوبر

    Florida should . In Medicaid expansion states across the country, more people are reporting excellent health and regular care for chronic conditions and fewer people are reporting poor health and trouble paying medical bills.

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  10. ١٨ أكتوبر

    Proud to always stand with the LGBTQ community and I'm honored to be recognized by the . As a Vice Chair of the & Chair of the LGBTQ Aging Task Force, I'll keep working to fight for equal rights and protections for all LGBTQ people.

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  11. ١٨ أكتوبر

    To stop bullying we need to embrace our ability to be compassionate, accepting, and inclusive.

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  12. ١٨ أكتوبر

    is one of my top priorities in Congress. That’s why I created the first bipartisan Climate Solutions Caucus. South Florida is already dealing with sea level rise, intensified storms, inland flooding. Congress must act immediately to address this growing threat.

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  13. ١٨ أكتوبر
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  14. ١٨ أكتوبر

    You cannot bully the Jewish community and all who stand up to bigotry into silence when you spew disgusting hate. Your anti-Semitic rants will always be condemned. Loudly and clearly.

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  15. ١٨ أكتوبر

    We must investigate exactly what happened to journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The world is watching what we do and we need to make sure we do things right. Read my thoughts here:

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  16. ١٧ أكتوبر

    We owe it to our kids and grandkids to do something about gun violence. When it comes to the safety of our schools and communities we must do what’s right, not what’s politically convenient.

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  17. ١٧ أكتوبر

    This issue is personal for our community. We will never forget the 17 lives lost at Stoneman Douglas. My friends & have committed to fighting for change so no other parents have to lose their children to gun violence. And for that they are heroes.

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  18. ١٧ أكتوبر

    These kids will change our future. They will fulfill our promise to make communities safer and won’t fail where so many have before. Gun violence prevention is what drives them and I know they will succeed.

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  19. ١٧ أكتوبر

    Right now I’m sitting with , , , and reps. from for a discussion on gun violence. We won’t stop working until we achieve solutions to make our communities safer.

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  20. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ١٧ أكتوبر

    . is coming after Medicare & Social Security after their tax cuts for millionaires & big corporations blew a massive hole in our debt & deficits. Democrats are & committed to protecting the benefits Americans work a lifetime to earn.

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