Rep Peter DeFazioПідтверджений профіль


Representing the 4th Congressional District in Oregon

Дата приєднання: лютий 2011


  1. 17 жовт.

    The Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drill will take place tomorrow, October 18, at 10:18 AM. Remember--when the ground starts to shake, DROP, COVER, and HOLD ON.

  2. 17 жовт.

    I am honored to receive a 100 on ’s Congressional Scorecard for my support of LGBTQ equality. No one should be discriminated against because of who they are, or who they love.

  3. 15 жовт.

    More than 65,000 people in OR suffer from Alzheimer's—and that's not including the caregivers and families of those afflicted. I joined the this weekend in Eugene to talk about what Congress can do to help find a cure and better support caregivers.

  4. 2 жовт.

    Today is the 50th Anniversary of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act. I’m proud to be a leader in Congress in protecting Oregon’s extraordinary wild rivers for today as well as for future generations.

  5. 28 вер.

    Ten years ago, Wall Street crashed our economy and then came crawling to Congress for a $700B bailout. Defeating that bill remains one of my proudest moments in Congress. Unfortunately, Wall Street eventually got their way, and today, they’re up to their same old tricks.

  6. 26 вер.

    Met with members of the today including Sause Bros. of Coos Bay. We discussed the Jones Act, which requires goods shipped between U.S. ports to be transported on ships built, owned and operated by U.S. citizens.

  7. 5 вер.

    The hearings are an absolute farce. If Kavanaugh joins the Supreme Court, he will erode protections for individuals with pre-existing conditions, women, workers, and the environment. I urge my colleagues in the Senate to vote NO on Kavanaugh:

  8. 26 серп.

    I’ll be hosting Town Hall meetings on the coast this week - I hope you’ll be able to join me!

  9. 23 серп.

    Today I passed the Isaac Lee Patterson bridge, which spans the Rogue River. Built in 1930, it’s on the National Register of Historic Places and is an Oregon treasure. I’m proud I was able to secure federal funds to restore the bridge nearly twenty years ago.

  10. 21 серп.

    Representatives are doing fewer public events this August than ever before. My ten Town Hall meetings account for more than 5.5% of all public events held by Congress. I hold THMs so I can hear what matters most to my constituents. I hope to see you at a THM this August!

  11. 10 серп.

    Great meeting with members of the Senior Companion Program of Lane County last night. Since I started the 1st program in Lane County in 1977, around 65 Senior Companions work each month to provide services to over 500 seniors and disabled adults in the area.

  12. 10 серп.

    Great to see the Oregon Alzheimer’s Association last night. Proud to support funding for Alzheimer’s research and be a co-sponsor of the Infrastructure Act which expands access to care and services for Alzheimer’s patients.

  13. 30 лип.

    With fire season underway, remember that drones can be deadly if flown in the wrong place at the wrong time. Recreational drones can interfere with firefighting efforts and put firefighters in danger.

  14. 24 лип.

    I’ve hiked thousands of miles in my lifetime, and the trek to Devil’s Staircase was one of most challenging and rewarding I have ever undertaken. I introduced legislation today that would establish permanent protections for this spectacular natural space:

  15. 24 лип.

    My August Town Hall meeting schedule is now live on my website at . I hope to see you at a Town Hall meeting this summer!

  16. 17 лип.

    U.S. intelligence has proven that Russia has interfered in the 2016 election, and they're planning to do it again. Our democracy has been attacked, but President Trump not only refuses to stand up to Putin, he's standing *with* him - against the U.S.

  17. 29 черв.
  18. 20 черв.

    Today I stood with my Democratic colleagues on the House steps in protest of President Trump's cruel policy of separating families at the border. I'm proud to be a co-sponsor of the which will end this shameful practice.

  19. 8 черв.

    The Trump Administration is trying to take us back to the days when insurance companies could charge more or even deny coverage because of pre-existing conditions. This lifesaving and popular provision helps more than 300,000+ in my district alone.

  20. 30 трав.

    I visited the Roseburg Airport yesterday to see the new Precision Approach Path Indicator -- equipment that will make low-visibility landings more safe. I'm proud to have helped bring this critical safety technology to SW Oregon.

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