Rep. Brad Sherman已認證帳戶


Proudly serving California's San Fernando Valley in the U.S. Congress. Admission: Some tweets are prepared by my staff on my behalf. RTs are not an endorsement.

Sherman Oaks, CA


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  1. Instead of confronting the real threats posed by the climate change crisis, the administration continues to push for federal bailouts for the coal industry. We must enact policies that will solve our problem, not compound it.

  2. 10月18日

    I just left the L.A.P.D. Valley Bureau Civilian Personnel Luncheon in Encino. It was an honor to address those in attendance and present Congressional Certificates of Achievement to L.A.P.D. Deputy Chief Kris E. Pitcher and Commander Beverly Lewis.

  3. 10月18日

    I met with Cameron O’Hanlon and Thor Steingraber, Deputy to the Executive Director and the Executive Director of the of CSUN. We discussed “Future Currents: The LA River” an upcoming production which will highlight the issues surrounding the LA River.

  4. 10月18日

    We had a great Town Hall with students from Sherman Oaks Center of Enriched Studies. Thanks to this bright group of students for asking some tough questions.

  5. 10月18日

    Thanks to El Camino Real Charter High School for hosting our Student Town Hall in Woodland Hills. We shared a productive conversation on the work I am doing in Washington, DC.

  6. 10月18日

    I joined our Sherman Oaks office interns for dinner to thank them for their hard work. Contact us if you or someone you know is interested in applying for an internship in Sherman Oaks (818-501-9200) or in D.C. (202-225-5911).

  7. 10月18日

    Productive meeting this morning with the at the office in Van Nuys. We discussed flood insurance, GSE reform, and more.

  8. 10月18日

    I am honored to receive the Small Business Investor Alliance's Champion of Small Business Investing Award. I vow to remain an advocate for investment in America’s small businesses through his support of the Business Development Company industry.

  9. 10月17日

    This week I met with members from the Korean American Public Action Committee to discuss the issue of the reunification of Korean American family members with North Korea. And my letter to urging him to address the issue.

  10. 10月17日

    I am proud to stand on the right side of history when it comes to protecting and advancing the rights of the LGBTQ community and honored to receive a 100 on ’s Congressional Scorecard for my support of LGBTQ equality.

  11. 10月17日

    .'s Jamie Dimon has officially backed out of the upcoming investment conference in . has yet to decide if he will attend, he should not. Is the Trump administration as dedicated to human rights as JPMorgan is?

  12. 10月16日

    If MBS is genuinely sorry about what happened at the Istanbul consulate, he should free all non-violent political prisoners, starting with women activists.

  13. 10月16日

    I was pleased to join the 's Casino Royale event on Saturday evening where I recognized the Foundation and its CEO, Rebecca Lienhard, for their work to empower individuals developmental disabilities and their families.

  14. 10月15日

    On Sunday, I joined the Unitarian Universalist Church in Studio City to march & rally against gun violence. Almost all Americans support requiring background checks for all gun buys. The time is now for Congress to pass commonsense, bipartisan legislation to address gun violence.

  15. 10月15日

    I am honored to receive a 100% in the Congressional Voting Record for the 115th Congress. I remain committed in my support of women and families and working to achieve equity for all.

  16. 10月9日

    ICYMI: This afternoon I discussed the resignation of with on . Watch it below.

  17. 10月9日
  18. 10月9日

    Tune in to at 10:00 AM PT. I'll be on to discuss the resignation of as U.S. Ambassador to the with .

  19. 10月8日
  20. 10月8日


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