Senator Patty MurrayTài khoản được xác nhận


Official account of U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) | Tweets come from staff unless signed “-PM” by Senator Murray | RT≠endorsement

Đã tham gia tháng 5 năm 2011


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  1. Health care reform was an important step towards making sure every family has access to quality, affordable health care & protecting patients with pre-existing conditions. Make no mistake, if Republicans try to once again sabotage it—we will fight back.

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  2. The Federal courts have ruled against Secretary 's delay tactics, and debt relief to students left in the lurch by Corinthian and other collapsed predatory colleges must begin immediately.

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  3. The Federal courts have ruled against Secretary 's delay tactics—it's now on her to do the right thing & start discharging loans for students who were cheated & defrauded.

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  4. From members of our military to teachers to social workers, our country's most honorable public servants uphold their commitments to the government. The government should do the same by accurately counting their student loan payments—plain & simple.

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  5. Democrats are going to keep fighting for patients and families so they can get the care they need—even if Republicans are dead set on doing the opposite.

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  6. The courts made it clear yesterday, must put students who were defrauded and cheated ahead of lobbyists and shady for-profit colleges.

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  7. An ALARMING number of borrowers working in public service have been denied loan forgiveness—even after dedicating 10 or more years of their lives to help their communities in return for student debt relief. This is absolutely unacceptable.

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  8. Republicans must stop their sabotage of our health care system. They must stop driving up prices. They must work with Democrats to address the damage they've done so we can increase access and lower prices for patients and families.

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  9. I join my & colleagues in demanding oversight of the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program. Our country's most dedicated public servants are upholding their commitment to service & our federal government should do the same.

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  10. đã Tweet lại

    Let’s be absolutely clear: the GOP now wants to pay for massive, deficit-busting tax breaks for the top 1% and corporations by cutting Medicare and Social Security.

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  11. Senator Murray reflects back on the Anita Hill testimony, being elected to the Senate during the "Year of the Woman," and the guidance of former during her early days on Capitol Hill on 's The United States of Anxiety. LISTEN:

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  12. Last year people spoke up and made their voices heard to stop the awful Trumpcare bill, but President Trump & Senate Republicans still want to sabotage our health care.

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  13. đã Tweet lại

    Republicans used to care about fiscal responsibility, but the Trump admin has exploded the budget deficit & created the largest deficit in 6 years thanks to tax cuts and special deals for the wealthiest Americans who don’t need them.

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  14. Make no mistake—President Trump and Senate Republicans continue to plan their assault on health care for families across the country.

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  15. The draft proposal I saw would weaken protections for women and make sexual assault on campus more likely. That’s a fact and no amount of name-calling will change it. But you still have a chance to fix this as you hear from women, students, and others, and I hope you do -PM

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  16. đã Tweet lại

    Step 1: GOP explodes the deficit with $1.5 trillion in tax giveaways to wealthy donors. Step 2: GOP uses the deficit they created as an excuse to slash Social Security and Medicare. Americans see right through this shameless and destructive two-step, McConnell.

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  17. The good news: Americans see right through this and won't let them get away with this. Remind Republicans: Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are not piggy banks for the wealthiest Americans and biggest corporations.

    Hiện chuỗi hội thoại này
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  18. 2017: Republicans ram through a massive tax cut for the richest & put it on the US credit card. 2018: GOP sees credit card bill, acts shocked, & now says we must cut Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid for workers and families (the non-richest).

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  19. đã Tweet lại

    The Republican two-part approach to cuts: ✂️ Cut taxes for corporations. ✂️ Cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid for everyone else.

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  20. This ruling is a victory for the more than 100,000 students who were defrauded and stuck with useless credits and massive debt while waiting for relief.

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