Adam SchiffПодлинная учетная запись


Representing California's 28th Congressional District and Ranking Member of the House Intelligence Committee.

Burbank, CA
Дата регистрации: апрель 2009 г.


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  1. ретвитнул(а)
    23 часа назад

    This is you and all your friends laughing hysterically about gutting preexisting conditions a year ago. You thought we forgot?

  2. 18 окт.

    Fitting and tragic that Jamal Khashoggi’s final column calls attention to the threats to the freedom of the press in the Arab world, and how international silence emboldens regimes to imprison journalists, or worse. His words have been proven horribly prescient.

  3. 18 окт.

    America doesn’t need or want its President to be test marketing Saudi fictions, like “rogue killers,” or searching for a “mutually agreeable explanation” for the premeditated murder of a journalist critical of the Saudi government. We want the truth and we demand accountability.

  4. 17 окт.

    . taking an important step towards transparency, making a set of data on Russian and Iranian influence operations available to the public and researchers. The best antidote to these attacks is exposure, and we need the active cooperation of all technology platforms.

  5. 17 окт.

    Republicans promised their tax cuts for millionaires and big businesses would pay for themselves. They knew that wasn't true and didn’t care. So now they say we must cut Medicare and Social Security. Not a chance. We’re not stiffing seniors to pay for their tax giveaway.

  6. 16 окт.

    Trump says he has no interests in Saudi or Russia. But they have interests in him: Don Jr in 2008: “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets.” Trump in 2015: “Saudi Arabia —they buy apartments from me. They spend $40 million, $50 million.”

  7. 15 окт.

    King Salman denies it. Vladimir Putin denies it. Roy Moore denies it. Brett Kavanaugh denies it. In the President’s world, the truth doesn’t matter. Admission is weakness. Denial is everything. The more vehement the better. But don’t ask Trump. He denies it.

  8. 13 окт.

    Our democracy is broken, and President Trump is only one reason. Congress is the other. It has failed to serve as a co-equal branch of government, and to play its essential role as a check and balance. With a Democratic majority that will change. I explained how in a new op-ed:

  9. 12 окт.

    Emoluments for dummies: Candidate Trump: “Saudi Arabia, I get along with all of them. They buy apartments from me. They spend $40 million, $50 million ... I like them very much.” President Trump on Saudis suspected murder of Khashoggi: “We’re going to have to see.” U.S. v $

  10. 11 окт.

    At the highest levels of the Saudi government, Jamal Khashoggi was considered an “enemy of the people.” At the highest levels of our government, a hostility to the press and solicitude towards autocrats puts all journalists at risk. Along with America’s standing in the world.

  11. 11 окт.

    As Hurricane Michael moves inland, our thoughts are with all who have been affected by this historic storm and those who are in its path. We give our thanks to the first responders working to keep others safe.

  12. 9 окт.

    Senior Trump campaign staff met with a foreign company about creating fake social media accounts and gathering intel on his opponents. Isn’t it interesting that those are the same services the Russians provided for free?

  13. 8 окт.

    We can’t predict earthquakes, not yet, but we can give some advance notice. ShakeAlert sends a signal to transit systems, hospitals and first responders that a quake is imminent. Soon, we hope it will send an alert to your phone too. Joined BART today to see the pilot in action.

  14. 7 окт.

    Jamal Khashoggi, a Saudi journalist and dissident, was called to the Saudi embassy in Istanbul on Tuesday, and has not been seen or heard from since. Tragically, he is now feared dead. We must demand immediate answers from the Saudi government.

  15. 7 окт.

    You attack prosecutors at DOJ. Fire your FBI Director and threaten your own Attorney General. Call an investigation that has led to the conviction of five of your associates a “witch hunt.” Repeatedly. And now you claim to believe in the rule of law. Nobody buys it.

  16. 6 окт.

    Thank you, Dr. Ford, for your courage. Your testimony did not change the outcome — these GOP Senators were not interested in the truth — but it did change the country. You have inspired millions of Americans, women and men. We will not forget your bravery. Or their cowardice.

  17. 5 окт.

    No, Mr. President, these woman are not paid professionals. Nor are the Sandy Hook parents or David Hogg or the millions of Americans fighting for decency and morality. Your dog whistles won’t change that.

  18. 4 окт.

    How to do an investigation without really trying: 1.) Set artificial deadline 2.) Dictate which witnesses can be interviewed 3.) Decline to follow new leads 4.) Purposefully exclude main witnesses 5.) Declare vindication White House made sure the fix was in from the beginning.

  19. 4 окт.

    Russia continues to threaten the U.S. and our allies through sophisticated cyber-attacks, disinformation campaigns — even the use of chemical weapons. Instead of confronting Russia, Trump embraces it. What will it take for Trump to see the threat clearly and act appropriately?

  20. 3 окт.

    For two years, we’ve seen how the flaw of this deeply unethical man in the Oval Office has infected the whole of government. But watching the audience laugh at Trump’s ridicule of a sexual assault survivor, we see the damage runs much deeper, and debases our public discourse.


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