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  1. 11 часов назад

    Eradicating federal recognition of transgender Americans would do enormous damage to the American vision of opportunity and equality for all. It is simply wrong. 

  2. 20 окт.

    Republicans want to roll back protections for millions of hard-working Americans with pre-existing conditions. But don’t lose hope; we have the POWER to stop them. November is coming.

  3. 20 окт.

    Let’s stop for a moment today, and remember that there are STILL children in government custody who were snatched from their parents at the border. WE WON’T FORGET. Keep fighting!

  4. 19 окт.

    This story doesn’t hold water. The US govt needs to demand the truth and hold the responsible parties accountable, not go along with Saudi efforts to cover up this murder.

  5. 19 окт.

    ., repeat after me: It’s not okay to incite or praise violence against the press.

  6. 19 окт.

    Congratulations to the for winning their 18th straight home opener! Hopefully a sign of good things to come!

  7. 19 окт.
  8. 19 окт.

    Republicans blew up the deficit by giving tax cuts to the wealthy and corporations. And now… Republicans want to cut your Social Security. Republicans want to cut your Medicare. Here it is in black and white:

  9. 19 окт.

    Remember how the GOP said the tax cuts would pay for themselves? Now the GOP wants YOU to pay for their handouts for the wealthy by cutting YOUR Social Security and Medicare. Our GOP friends love Reagan quotes, so here’s Nancy Reagan for them: Just say no!

  10. 19 окт.

    If the powerful and the privileged believed in a “We the People” nation, they wouldn’t be so desperate to silence and intimidate us and to suppress our Constitutional RIGHT TO VOTE. This is shameful.

  11. 18 окт.

    The Trump swamp keeps getting swampier. Now it’s Trump’s Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross who appears to have deliberately misled Congress under oath.

  12. 18 окт.

    I am honored to receive a 100 on ’s Congressional Scorecard. HRC has been a great partner advocating for the , and I’m committed to continuing the fight for full equality for the LGBTQ community.

  13. 18 окт.

    Trump saying he has a natural instinct for science is like Hulk Hogan saying he has a natural instinct for ballet.

  14. 18 окт.
  15. 18 окт.

    . Admin is STILL inflicting intentional harm on children it separated from their parents, many of whom have yet to be reunited. Trump is now talking about resuming child snatching. They're unable & unwilling to fix this mess. But we CAN fix it. November is coming.

  16. 18 окт.

    These words ring eerily true as we watch and his State Dept fail to take a strong stand on Khashoggi’s death. If America won’t stand up for human rights and freedom of the press, who will?

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  17. 18 окт.

    In a powerful final column—just published—Jamal Khashoggi worried that crackdowns on a free press may “no longer carry the consequence of a backlash from the international community. Instead, these actions may trigger condemnation quickly followed by silence.”

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  18. 18 окт.

    We need to send a powerful message that America stands up for human rights everywhere in the world and that Khashoggi’s murder is unacceptable. We need to find out what happened.

  19. 18 окт.

    What happened to “drain the swamp?” Ethics 101 refresher course for : Investigators need to be impartial and independent. So much for that.

  20. 17 окт.

    The brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi is a wake-up call that the United States must NOT provide Saudi Arabia with the tools to make a nuclear bomb. The time for obstruction or hesitation is over; the Senate should pass our bipartisan resolution ASAP.


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