Ron WydenCompte verificat


U.S. Senator from Oregon. Ranking Member. Follow for updates from my staff. Instagram:

Unit: febrer de 2011


Has blocat @RonWyden

Estàs segur que vols veure aquests tuits? Això no desblocarà @RonWyden.

  1. Tuit fixat
    11 d’oct.

    It’s time for and risk-limiting audits to secure our elections and ensure every American’s vote counts. Our movement has momentum. With people power, we can protect our democracy.

  2. fa 16 hores

    Thanks for today’s great tour of your Bend facility and the opportunity to hear from employees responsible for brewing fantastic craft beer.

  3. ha retuitat
    fa 18 hores

    . and I called for Sec Mnuchin to withdraw from the Riyadh conference a week ago. This is a step, but far from a sufficient response. The Administration should be using all levers of influence to uncover answers about Khashoggi’s disappearance.

  4. fa 17 hores

    Very impressed with the students & their questions today at Mountain View HS in Bend about college costs, cannabis, homelessness, net neutrality, health care & more. The future is in great hands with them.

  5. fa 18 hores

    .’s policy of separating kids and parents is fundamentally evil and they’re trying to do it again. ripped kids from their parents without a real plan for ever reuniting them and we must stop it from happening all over.

    Mostra el fil
  6. fa 18 hores

    . and I are demanding answers from about misleading information and provided to Congress and the public about the administration’s cruel policy of separating families.

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  7. fa 19 hores

    This is the least the administration can do, and a decision that should have been made days ago. The disappearance and alleged murder of Jamal Khashoggi will not be tolerated.

  8. fa 22 hores

    Enjoyed meeting so many innovative outdoor entrepreneurs last night in Bend at supporting the thriving outdoor recreation economy.

  9. fa 22 hores

    In 2012 I introduced a bill to protect veterans from financial scammers & fraudsters. This week, the takes a critical first step to ensure that our nation’s veterans are no longer vulnerable to predatory financial behavior.

  10. 17 d’oct.

    Beautiful fall day for a walk from my office to in NE Portland for a tuna melt. Thanks Patty & Emma.

  11. 17 d’oct.

    Today, Canada is recognizing what Oregonians and Americans across the country already understand: marijuana prohibition is an outdated, dangerous policy. It’s time to bring America’s marijuana policy into the 21st century.

  12. 17 d’oct.

    In a ploy to protect massive tax breaks for America’s wealthiest families & corporations, & are putting health care & earned benefits on the chopping block. This is a dishonest bait & switch.

    Mostra el fil
  13. 17 d’oct.

    After blowing a $2 trillion hole in the deficit, the failed to boost wages or create new jobs. Right on time, Republicans in Congress are coming after Americans’ Medicare, Medicaid & Social Security to foot the bill.

    Mostra el fil
  14. 17 d’oct.

    Here’s what’s at stake: ending coverage for pre-existing conditions, gutting Medicaid as we know it, and higher premium costs for Americans and their families.

  15. 17 d’oct.

    Earlier this year I released a report highlighting how under the , the rich get richer while hardworking Americans struggle to make ends meet and provide for their families.

    Mostra el fil
  16. 17 d’oct.

    . and Republicans in Congress promised that the would increase paychecks & create more red, white, and blue jobs. Instead, corporate heads & Big Pharma are laying off American workers while pocketing massive tax windfalls.

    Mostra el fil
  17. 17 d’oct.

    October is . Honored to meet the Oregon Principal of the Year, Curtis Wilson , who’s increasing graduation rates by establishing a wellness center & providing Career & Technical Education programs for his students.

  18. 17 d’oct.

    Thanks Korvis for such a good conversation yesterday with all the wonderful employees who educated me about your great work in Corvallis creating jobs in design and manufacturing.

  19. 17 d’oct.

    The administration is stonewalling critical oversight & refuses to hold government officials accountable. The American people deserve an independent investigator, not someone in the back pocket of this corrupt administration.

  20. 16 d’oct.

    🚨Voter registration in Oregon ends TONIGHT.🚨 Make sure your voice is heard this November.

  21. ha retuitat
    16 d’oct.

    Both and were on campus this morning, encouraging students to register to vote on Oregon's last day to do so. Have to say, I didn't think I'd be interviewing a senator today when I woke up this morning. Story from :


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