Jim HimesAkaun disahkan


Connecticut Congressman. Reader. Runner. Swimmer. Apiarist. And I make maple syrup.

CT and DC
Menyertai April 2009


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    1 jam lalu
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  2. Mengetweet Semula
    21 Okt

    VOTER FRAUD is itself a fraud. The highest measured rate of voter fraud in our elections is 0.0003%. It is virtually non-existent. Not so with voter suppression, which you are leading around the country because you fear true democracy and the people's voice.

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  3. Mengetweet Semula
    20 Okt

    Most hilarious voting PSA of the election season shot by my friend and featuring !

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  4. 21 jam lalu

    What a rally and what enthusiasm in , yes , for the pre-election rally! Proud to stand with and so many other dedicated public servants and candidates

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  5. Mengetweet Semula
    20 Okt

    CT Democrats, come rally with , , and many more state and local candidates at Tilley Pond Park in Sunday promptly at 1 pm. This will be a fast fun event. Don’t be late!

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  6. 20 Okt

    I’ve listened for 8 years as EVERY Republican has demanded and voted for Obamacare repeal. Even shutting down the government to do it. Now, as they are about to be held accountable by voters, they are denying it. Repeal?!? Nothing to see here....

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  7. 19 Okt

    Thank you for hosting me tonight. Whole lotta enthusiasm out there!

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  8. 18 Okt

    Literally every sentence, no, every clause, in this tweet is a lie. And provably so.

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  9. Mengetweet Semula
    18 Okt

    . has seen up close and personal the impact that a mass shooting has on a community, and he's been a dedicated champion in .

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  10. Mengetweet Semula
    15 Okt

    A remarkable trend that continues. Since 1981, the U.S. budget deficit has grown under every Republican president (Reagan, Bush I, Bush II, Trump so far) and fallen under every Democratic president (Clinton, Obama).

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  11. 16 Okt

    Thank you. I’m very honored and doubly committed to keep fighting for affordable housing.

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  12. Mengetweet Semula
    14 Okt

    BREAKING: The Des Moines Register, which leans Conservative, just endorsed ALL DEMOCRATS! Said the GOP “needs to be voted out of power and spend a few years becoming again the party of Lincoln, not the party of Trump.” -

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  13. 15 Okt

    If polarization and fights and tribalism are getting you down, behold what can happen even in a New York parking garage....

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  14. 13 Okt
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  15. Mengetweet Semula
    13 Okt

    Coming up on at 6p ET, is joined by , Rep. , , , , , and more. Don't miss it.

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  16. 11 Okt

    After ' baseless op-ed yesterday, I hope that the will eventually leave the President's withered breed of politics on the sideline and join Democrats -- centrist, progressive and otherwise -- to make real progress.

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  17. Mengetweet Semula
    11 Okt

    "It's rare these days for me to pick up the paper, read an outright lie from the President and feel encouraged about the future." Wanna smile? Read gut punch to Trump in .

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  18. Mengetweet Semula
    10 Okt

    “Before they go to the polls in November, the American people deserve real assurance that our government is taking every necessary step to protect our elections. Anything less is unacceptable," said . Read the full bipartisan letter:

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  19. Mengetweet Semula
    10 Okt

    The economy of every state, ranked from worst to best - CT's economy? 16th, right behind California and Minnesota ...

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  20. 9 Okt

    I was worried about this years ago, and have a BIPARTISAN bill to fix it. Why is it that under a Republican President and Republican-controlled Congress who claim to want to "drain the swamp" these anti-corruption ideas go nowhere?

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