Bill KeatingConta verificada


Welcome to the official Twitter page of Congressman Bill Keating!

Bourne, Ma
Participa desde janeiro de 2011


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  1. 28 de set

    Before going home for good ahead of the midterms House Republicans are playing dangerous political games with the Mueller investigation on behalf of Trump.

  2. 27 de set

    I’m as proud of Dr. Ford as I am disappointed with the institution of the US Senate.

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  3. 27 de set

    As a former District Attorney who has worked with victims of sexual assault, I realize the excruciating and retraumatizing nature of sharing the type of experience Dr. Ford has disclosed. I cannot begin to understand doing that on a national stage.

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  4. 27 de set

    Yet, for a lifetime appointment to one of our nation’s most important positions, federal investigators are not being allowed to do this. That outrage is only matched by the courage of Dr. Ford in coming forward.

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  5. 27 de set

    I was fortunate to be able to pay my way through college working for the Post Office. For that job, federal investigators conducted a background check, even going door to door in the neighborhood I grew up in and asking residents what they knew of me.

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  6. 16 de set

    First and foremost, Tevis and I send our condolences to the family of Arthur Medici, the victim of yesterday's shark attack. Going forward, I will be convening meetings w/the National Park Service and coordinating w/state and local officials on how best to address this issue.

  7. 10 de set

    L’Shana Tova to all who are celebrating today. May your new year be happy, healthy, and sweet.

  8. 26 de ago

    On August 25, 2009, we lost the Lion of the Senate, Ted Kennedy. Today, nine years later, we lost another pillar of the United States Senate in John McCain. A grateful nation thanks him. May he Rest In Peace.

  9. 15 de ago

    The President’s decision to punish because he doesn’t like what he says about him puts our nation at risk, plain and simple.

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  10. 15 de ago

    It has been standard practice for former CIA Directors to maintain their security clearance so that their successors can seek their guidance during times of crisis.

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  11. 28 de jul

    When you next see a first responder, please thank them. They risk their lives everyday to protect us, a fact that our communities are all too aware of.

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  12. 28 de jul

    I visited with Chief Dunne and his officers this morning and was relieved to hear from him that both injured officers are expected to recover, and one was released from the hospital last night. Thank God.

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  13. 28 de jul

    My thoughts are with the two officers shot in Falmouth last night. We can only imagine the horror that they have experienced along with their families and colleagues.

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  14. 16 de jul

    Every Member of Congress – Democrat, Republican, or Independent – who stands by silently after today is complicit.

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  15. 16 de jul

    President Trump’s actions are an immediate threat to our national security.

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  16. 16 de jul

    He has done more than just embarrass our country by not holding Putin accountable and refusing to denounce Russia for its interference in our elections.

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  17. 16 de jul

    Trump discarded evidence from our national security experts, dismissed our rule of law, and utterly failed in his responsibilities as our Commander in Chief.

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  18. 16 de jul

    It was impossible to distinguish his words from Russian propaganda.

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  19. 16 de jul

    Today, the President of the United States stood next to the person who directed an attack on our country and instead of standing tall for America, he blamed us and our past leadership for Russia’s aggression.

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  20. 16 de jul

    It was impossible to distinguish Trump’s words today from Russian propaganda.


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