Jackie SpeierПотвърден профил


Represents California's 14th Congressional District. House Armed Services Committee, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

Регистриран през март 2009 г.


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  1. преди 52 минути

    In case you missed it, I spoke with yesterday about 's failure to act in light of the assassination of US-resident journalist Jamal Khashoggi and the issues at stake in the November . via

  2. преди 4 часа
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  3. преди 4 часа

    Another false promise from , architect of the . If he really cared about the middle class, he wouldn’t be trying to rip healthcare away from 130mil Americans under 65 w/ preexisting conditions or treating his fat cat friends to billions of dollars in tax cuts!

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  4. 19.10

    The gave corporations a big present. They paid $90 billion LESS in taxes in FY2018. And that’s just the beginning. How much would that money would have reduced health insurance premiums?

  5. 19.10

    It’s outrageous that pharmacists can deny access to meds prescribed by doctors, and put the repro health of women like Rachel at risk, b/c of personal beliefs. Congress must pass 's ABC Act to ensure patients get their meds w/o dangerous delays.

  6. 18.10

    Withholding the findings of our Intelligence Community’s investigation into Khashoggi’s murder from the congressional body that requested the investigation is an abuse of power and perversion of justice. – despite your autocratic dreams this is still America, not SA.

  7. 18.10

    The silence from on MBS’s connection to the assassination of Jamal Khashoggi has been truly deafening. Their blind obedience to isn’t just pathetic sycophancy, it undermines our security in the face of oppressive regimes around the world, and here at home.

  8. 18.10
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  9. 18.10

    . falls in love w/KJU after KJU assassinated his brother. Now he’s falling for MBS because MBS assassinated Khashoggi. I refuse to participate in a savage blood money transaction - arms sales must be scrapped & SA must be sanctioned. America can’t condone killing reporters!

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  10. 17.10

    Trump thinks because his uncle was an MIT engineering prof 45 yrs ago he has a “natural instinct for science.” That’s like saying my uncle flew planes so I can land this 747 jumbo jet. needs to heed MIT’s real climate experts before it’s too late.

  11. 17.10

    Asked about his baffling defense of SA & says, “here we go again with … you’re guilty until proven innocent…. I just went through that with Justice Kavanaugh.” Where does “lock her up” fit into this? Oh that’s right, that was involving a woman, not an oppressive regime.

  12. 16.10

    Contradicting his claims of $40-50 million in SA investments at his rally, now tweets he has “no financial interests in Saudi Arabia…” This might work for those who take him at his word. For the rest of us, releasing his tax returns would set the record straight

  13. 16.10

    Are you suffering from the constant bombardment of airplane noise? Please join me for a conversation about the impact of flights on your life and health next Tuesday, 10/23.

  14. 16.10

    I’m glad to see that ’s anti-bullying initiative has been so successful.

  15. 16.10

    First SA claims Khashoggi left the consulate through a back door. Then muses a band of rogue killers stormed the consulate. Now Pompeo is thanking SA for a “thorough, transparent & timely investigation.” That’s as much of a fantasy as Trump’s $110 billion arms sales claim.

  16. 16.10

    Saddened to hear of Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen's passing - one of the founding fathers of personal computers whose legacy will live on for generations. The world would be a better place if we all lived by his motto, “If it has the potential to do good, then we should do it.”

  17. 15.10

    As co-chair of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Caucus, I am thrilled to welcome His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad to America. During his last visit, I saw the power of his message of hope, tolerance, and service firsthand. We need that message & his leadership now more than ever!

  18. 15.10

    That’s why & need to grow a backbone & stand up to their “ends justify the means” President & halt our arms sales to the country that has been so aptly coined “the ISIS that made it.”

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  19. 15.10

    Saudia Arabia carried out 48 beheadings by sword in the FIRST FOUR MONTHS of this year alone & its roots in the Sept. 11th attacks run deep, yet is groveling to kiss MBS’s rings. Clearly his bromance w/despots and dictators isn’t limited to Putin and Kim Jong Un.

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  20. 15.10

    There’s a lot we don’t know, but what we do know clearly points to assassination, including Khashoggi being interrogated over six hours by a 15 member hit squad linked to MBS and the royal family.

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