Lloyd DoggettOverený účet


Representing communities from San Antonio to Austin. Senior Member of Ways & Means Committee, Ranking Member of Subcommittee on Tax Policy.

Na Twitteri od: jún 2010


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  1. Pripnutý Tweet
    18. 10.

    NEW: Today, more than 40 lawmakers joined me in urging President Trump to enforce strong sanctions on those responsible for the murder & dismemberment of American resident, journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

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  2. pred 4 hodinami

    Good to hear join in the call to expel the Saudi Ambassador & stop all U.S. military assistance that supports Saudi war crimes in Yemen.

  3. Retweetol používateľ
    pred 7 hodinami

    Good to see members of Congress pushing to make Saudi Arabia pay a price for the torture/murder of a writer. has also just called for expelling the Saudi ambassador, ending support for the Saudi war on Yemen, and seeking freedom for .

  4. pred 8 hodinami

    I have led an effort in the House to support sanctions on Khashoggi’s murderers. But that’s only the first step. Believe suggests important possible next steps:

  5. Retweetol používateľ
    20. 10.

    We either get a real check on Trump—we push back firmly now—or American democracy will be pushed down.

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  6. 20. 10.

    Families & seniors should not have to pick up the tab for GOP tax giveaways to the very rich. They threaten the millions who depend on Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and .

  7. 20. 10.

    Pleased that Ezekiel Emanuel in urges support for my Medicare Negotiation and Competitive Licensing Act bill as the first step in solving this worsening affordability crisis.

  8. 20. 10.

    We either get a real check on Trump—we push back firmly now—or American democracy will be pushed down.

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  9. 20. 10.

    Trump’s attacks on “fake news” & press as “the enemy of the people” encourages violence against journalists.

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  10. 20. 10.

    As he refuses to stand against Saudi murder & dismemberment of a journalist, Trump praises GOP congressman for violently attacking reporter Ben Jacobs.

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  11. 20. 10.

    The Saudis finally concocted a tale that this US resident & defender of freedom was in a fist fight, but apparently the bone saw that dismembered him won. What an outlandish lie.

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  12. 20. 10.
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  13. 19. 10.

    As rain continues to fall, soil saturation means more water pooling & a greater likelihood of flooding, especially on roadways. Don't go around any barriers & remember to . Stay informed and sign up for official emergency alerts here:

  14. Retweetol používateľ
    19. 10.

    .'s story is infuriating bc DFAS is in a position to ruin veterans’ financial lives. But it's uplifting bc he's fighting to ensure it doesn't keep happening—it’s also an example of what responsive gov can look like w reps like .

  15. Retweetol používateľ
    17. 10.

    To stay up-to-date with my work in San Antonio, Austin & surroundings as well as Washington D.C., follow me on Instagram :

  16. 19. 10.

    Recent NPR story served as reminder of similar obstacles faced by vets in our area seeking mental health treatment. Our offices work to help them secure treatment they are entitled to, & I remain hopeful for new programs to provide expanded treatment.

  17. Retweetol používateľ
    19. 10.

    In words meant for the Saudi Arabian government, but which apply to us too, he says: “We should not need to be reminded of the value of human life.”

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  18. Retweetol používateľ
    18. 10.

    NEW: Today, more than 40 lawmakers joined me in urging President Trump to enforce strong sanctions on those responsible for the murder & dismemberment of American resident, journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

    , , a ďalší (5)
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  19. 19. 10.

    In words meant for the Saudi Arabian government, but which apply to us too, he says: “We should not need to be reminded of the value of human life.”

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  20. 19. 10.

    Here, Mr. Khashoggi argues that Saudi Arabia could help restore dignity in its country by ending its attacks on civilians in Yemen & “chang[ing] its role from warmaker to peacemaker":

    Zobraziť toto vlákno
  21. 19. 10.

    ...Instead, these actions may trigger condemnation quickly followed by silence.” We must prove him wrong. We cannot let these attacks on a free press occur freely.

    Zobraziť toto vlákno

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