Lamar SmithOvjeren akaunt


I represent the 21st District of TX in Congress and Chair the Science, Space, and Technology Committee. Join me:

Vrijeme pridruživanja: kolovoz 2008.

Medijski sadržaj

  1. 25. lis

    Today I met with members of the Texas Chapter on District Advocate Day to discuss creators rights and the recent passage of the Music Modernization Act. We appreciate the artists, songwriters, producers, and sound engineers who represent TX-21 so well.

  2. 22. lis

    It was a pleasure to meet with the this morning to discuss a number of issues I have worked on throughout my time in Congress including immigration, cybersecurity and trade.

  3. 26. ruj

    It was a privilege to sponsor the Commemorative Tree Planting Ceremony celebrating George H.W. Bush’s lifetime of public service. This afternoon I was joined by Sam LeBlond, Bush’s grandson, as we planted the Scotch Elm on the Capitol grounds in his honor.

  4. 21. ruj

    Today we honor the prisoners of war who were captured while protecting our freedom. Please join me in taking a moment to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice, our servicemen who remain missing, and their family members.

  5. 19. ruj

    Earlier this week, I discussed the importance of diabetes research funding as well as the need for affordable and accessible treatment with research advocates, Caroline Blanco and Deirdre Murphy of the American Diabetes Association-San Antonio chapter.

  6. 17. ruj

    The Constitution was signed 231 years ago today. As Alexander Hamilton said in Fed. 85, "The establishment of a Constitution, in time of profound peace, by the voluntary consent of a whole people, is a prodigy, to the completion of which I look forward with trembling anxiety."

  7. 11. ruj

    Today we mourn those we lost, we give thanks to those who sacrificed, and we honor the resilience and strength of this great nation. #911

  8. 5. ruj

    Today alumni advocates including ED visited my office to discuss the importance of higher education.

  9. 23. kol

    Yesterday on the they discussed my E-Verify legislation and how questions raised in the tragic Mollie Tibbetts case demonstrate the need for the bill

  10. 3. kol

    Each month releases an assessment of the growing threat America, the West, and the world face from ISIS and other Islamist terrorists. Read the Committee's August Terror Threat Snapshot here:

  11. 4. srp

    Today we celebrate 242 years of American independence, marking the Continental Congress' adoption of the Declaration of Independence. I wish each of you a safe and happy Fourth of July!

  12. 21. lip

    I spoke on the House floor in support of the Securing America's Future Act, which we'll vote on soon - watch here:

  13. 12. lip

    Today I attended a ceremony for the unveiling of Congressman Sam Johnson's official portrait. He is the greatest hero we have in Congress. His patriotism, sacrifice and character are unmatched. It has been an honor and privilege to serve with him in the House.

  14. 7. lip

    Happy birthday to ! We’re grateful for your commitment to STEM and our space program, and we hope your birthday is out of this world.

  15. 6. lip

    Today we honor and remember those who bravely stormed the beaches of Normandy in the name of freedom. They began the liberation of Western Europe from the Nazis.

  16. 5. lip

    Today students from , the only full-curriculum school in central Texas for children with dyslexia in grades 1-12, visited me at my D.C. office. My bill, the READ Act, supports critical research to further understand dyslexia.

  17. 28. svi

    Today we honor the memory of the heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation.

  18. 3. svi

    Today we celebrate the National Day of Prayer. Setting aside time for prayer and thanksgiving is a national tradition that first began with George Washington. I am thankful to live in a country where we can exercise our religious freedom.

  19. 2. svi

    Small businesses are the lifeblood of our economy. Did you know 2/3rds of all new jobs in the U.S. are created by small businesses?

  20. 25. tra

    I cosponsored H.Res 838 which passed in the House last night. The purpose of the resolution is to honor and remember the life of First Lady Barbara Bush.

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